"Momentis Energy and Review"

Momentis Energy and Review

Momentis Energy – Energy MLM Taking Off

Momentis Energy Scam or Rocket about to take off?

With all the Energy MLM’s popping up and seemingly been in business since the light bulb was invented, it is understandable that when approached to “Just Do Momentis” you are checking it out. Good for you. Momentis ReviewWhat follows is an unbiased, 3rd party Momentis Energy of the product and business opportunity. If you will allow me, I will also interject some interesting findings of my other research into the company and the MLM/Network Marketing Industry as well.

Momentis Energy – A little Background

Momentis Energy is the marketing arm of Just Energy (located in Dallas, Texas and Toronto, Canada). Just Energy is a North American independent energy supplier with 1.4 million electric and natural gas customers. As a Momentis Energy distributor you can currently offer service in Ontario and Alberta Canada. In the United States, California, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, New York, Massachusetts, Georgia and Texas are currently opened.

As far as the future as a Momentis distributor, in Canada British Columbia, Quebec, and Manitoba are stated to be opened. In the US, Nevada, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia are on the drawing board.

Momentis Review – Income Streams

"Momentis Energy and Review"Momentis Energy has several possible income streams.

The first Momentum Immediate Bonus:

This starts a distributor off. Once a distributor has completed an online Certification, they can qualify to earn Momentum Bonuses of $100 by personally enrolling two (2) pending or active customers (2 customer points) in the first 30 days (thus becoming a Qualified Marketing Representative, QMR). This continues for the first 120 days by getting 10 customer points in 60 days, 15 in 90 days and 20 in 120 days.

The Second, the Mentor Bonus:

Every time a distributor sponsors a new QMR, they earn Immediate Mentor Bonuses. This is initially a $100 bonus that increases to $150, $250, $300, and $325 as a distributor raises through the various Leadership Levels. The bonuses are paid weekly.

The third, MyTeam Bonus:

When you promote to Regional Director (that’s where the Mentor bonus is $300 a week) or above, a distributor is eligible for MyTeam Bonuses. The first three (3) Representatives a distributor signs up are designated as the first generation MyTeam. As a distributor on your first, second, and third generations you can receive a MyTeam Bonus each of those generation’s MyTeam’s MyLeadership Bonuses!

The fouth, MyLeadership Bonus:

MyLeadership Bonuses are designed to reward distributors for helping people get started. When a distributor promotes to the Senior Director level or above, they are paid MyLeadership Bonuses for any Qualified Marketing Representative (QMR) that joins the distributor’s organization that is NOT personally sponsored by you.

These MyLeadership Bonuses go down through infinite levels when you meet the promotion requirements and reach the appropriate leadership positions. Momentis has four leadership positions, and each time a distributor promotes to one of these positions, they will earn more and more bonus income. At each leadership position, a distributor can begin to build a new leadership organization, which can then qualify the distributor for new MyLeadership Bonuses.

The fifth, Monthly Recurring Income:

The residual income aspect of Momentis occurs from a distributors Monthly Recurring Income (MRI) efforts. Personal customers who maintain their Just Energy accounts are count toward a distributor’s MRI. So do the customers enrolled by Qualified Marketing Representatives (QMR) in the distributor’s leadership organization, no matter how wide or deep.

MRI is paid in the month following the distributor organization’s customer payments. For example, when customers pay their bills in June, the distributor will receive MRI in July. To receive this income, the distributor must meet both the one-time Leadership promotion qualifications as well as monthly customer point count qualifications.

Momentis Review and You

Momentis and Just Energy are not a scam, far from it. Just Energy is part of a fund that trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange. The Momentis MLM compensation plan is based on a basic building block of each QMR bringing in a manageable number of customers and helping other entrepreneurs build their businesses.
As far as how Momentis is doing in the public arena, Npros.com, a MLM/Network Marketing Industry related website has Momentis’s position in their index ranked at 135 out of 680 home businesses that they actively track in their database.

Momentis has a great compensation plan in that it pays you “now” by growing your organization and it also allows you to develop a residual income via a strong customer base.

But as you may have noticed, the big bucks come from the “growing the organization” income streams, and if you are anything like me, that is what has you so excited…and at the same time worried.

The key you know is having a steady stream of ambitious people (like yourself) approach you to see what you are doing. And the key to doing that is learning Attraction Marketing.

If you are throwing up your hands and asking “Now what…?” click on the links below to learn how you can develop your Attraction Marketing skills and get those leads chasing you.

So if you have found this Momentis Review in your Due diligence search, good for you. You are acting like a real business owner. The next thing you need to do, besides getting with the person who shared the plan with you and signing up, is to ask yourself this question:

If you really want to be profitable in Momentis, you’ll need to fully grasp Attraction Marketing and On-line lead generation. Have a look at the online attraction marketing system I use to get 15-29 FREE leads on a daily basis PLUS earn money from individuals who don’t enroll in my primary business.


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Ethan The Marketing Pro

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