Chanel 2 News Report: Hope For ZeekReward Refund Lies In Receiver


Lexington, NC — Faith has turned to frustration for people who trusted Zeek Rewards with their money.

The Securities and Exchange Commission calls the Lexington-based penny auction site a $600 million Ponzi scheme. And almost a week after the site shut down, about one million people are wondering what happened to their money.

A federal judge has appointed a receiver to take control of Zeek Rewards’ assets. That receiver will parse through what’s left and try to get at least some money back to the people who invested in the site by buying penny bids. Most people understand the chances of getting all their money back are slim. But WFMY News 2 has also heard from a few folks who recently sent the site a check to buy bids and want to stop payment on that check before it’s cashed.

But that will be tricky, though. The site required people to send in their money through an official or cashier’s check. Those are as good as cash, and they clear much faster than a personal check. But a spokeswoman at Truliant Federal Credit Union says because that receiver is in place, any checks he chooses to process from any bank must be honored — and by law, payment can’t be stopped.

Attorneys working on the case for the receiver said through email that they are “holding all cashier’s checks and the presumption is that they will be presented to the issuing banks.”

The receiver can be reached online here, where updates on the case will also be posted.

Courtesy of WFMY News 2

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"Jeu de Petanque"

Work today? Naah. Went out to play instead with my kids!

Today was a fun day..

Just took off with my kids and went for a game of “petanque”. No school… they didn’t mind 🙂

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The best part about having a home business is…money comes in even if I am not in my office….I received 4 emails saying:

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ZeekReward Refund Process

ZeekReward Refund Process

This weekend has been one of the craziest I have ever seen. The information on Zeek Rewards and Rex Venture Group has been growing since the SEC closed them down with the emergency order. Below is the most current info and some resources to help all the former affiliates of Zeek Rewards get their refunds. 

Bidify information Here

Click below to get more information on a refund for Zeek Rewards

Troy Dooly Source


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Ethan The Marketing Pro