Give1Get4: Watch out for the Scam?

Give1Get4: Watch out for the Scam?

Give1Get4:  Clear Review

Give1Get4 is a Private Activity by invitation only.

Give1Get4 is not a business, is not a company, has no owners,is not a membership and is not associated with any services whatsoever. It is simply a name given to an activity of friends and friends of friends.

Give1Get4 is a centralized portal, non-membership, self-administered community of friends that share one common goal – the act of giving with no expectation of return. The participants are generous people who believe in sharing and serving others with a free spirit.

Nevertheless, the activities of Give1Get4 are that of a community of friends who serve and give to each other without regard to receiving in return.

Hundreds of thousands of people’s lives have been affected through unselfish acts of giving. Give1Get4 is an extension of this concept. If you are at this site, it means that someone thought enough of you to personally invited to the Give1Get4 web site(s) and activity. This is not a marketing web site(s), Guests to this web site are by personal invitation only for the benefit of giving and a forum for their invitees to become givers of their own free will.

This is not a public forum and is a private activity.

If you do not agree with the unselfish activity of giving we request that you simply thank the person who invited you and excuse yourself.

If you do…

Please Register HERE.

Ethan 845.213.4337

Give1Get4 Review

Give1Get4 Review

Give1Get4 is it another scam?

Give1Get4 also called G1G4 is the Most Powerful Cash Leveraging System available on the Planet! A totally automated activity of giving and receiving monetary gifts. Give 1 Get (receive) 4, over and over.

Recommended Features
  • Give1Get4 is a private association of consenting individuals that have come together to help each other prosper through this unique system.
  • Anyone can do this!
  • Give1Get4 is a great opportunity for you to succeed with a gifting program with low risk. G1G4 allows you to give a minimum of $25 which is something that most everyone can do successfully.
  • A totally Automated Global Exchange System.
  • Give1Get4 has 3 gifting programs and 9 levels that you can participate on

Learn more about Give1Get4»

Review on Give1Get4

Cash Gifting Program

Fortunes have been made and are still being made using Cash Leveraging by everday people just like you and me… People who have a desire to receive money without becoming a slave to a job or a business.

Give1Get4 allows its participants to give $100 and receive $400 over and over again!

Give1Get4 has 3 gifting programs and 9 levels that you can participate on these levels range from $25 through $2,500

You choose which level to start on.


Now the system begins to work for you.

1. Click on REGISTER  ~  Fill out the form and select the level.

2. Pay Licensing Fee After confirmation you’ll be redirected to a page where you can pay the Licensing Fee using: Safe Pay or Alert Pay (Payza) or even your own secured credit card.

3. Send one gift – In your back office select View Pledges to send and see whom and how you can send a gift.

4. Invite only TWO people -After you’ve sent the gift enroll two other people and let them do the same.

5. You receive 4 gifts

If you have chosen the level of:

$25 – you receive $100
$50 – you receive $200
$100- you receive $400

6. You re-enter
After you’ve received 4 gifts you’ll be automatically re-entered. That means you send again 1 gift and receive again 4 gifts.

If you have received $100 – you send $25 again and receive $100 again, over and over
We look forward to helping you achieve the financial freedom that this program can bring you and your family.

Call me with any questions: 845.213.4337

Ethan The Marketing Pro


Give1Get4: The Art of Giving and Getting Back

Give1Get4 Review

Is Give1Get4 a Scam?

Give1Get4 has perfected the art of giving and made it a worthy and rewarding cause. It is the world’s FIRST and ONLY, 100% Legal, Absolutely Flawless, Totally Automated and Completely Private Peer-To-Peer Gift Exchange Activity. Nowhere else on the planet can you give so little and receive so much. Since 2002, hundreds of thousands of lives have continually been blessed by this activity, and since Give1Get4 is run solely by it’s participants, it is YOU who takes complete control of your giving experience. Take action now so you can get started in the rewarding Give1Get4 activity!

About Give1Get4

Give1Get4 is a Private Activity by invitation only.

Give1Get4 is not a business or company, has no owners, has no membership and is not associated with any services whatsoever. It is simply a name given to an activity of friends and friends of friends.

Give1Get4 is a centralized, non-membership portal to a self-administered community of friends that share one common goal – the act of giving with no expectation of return. The participants are generous people who believe in sharing and serving others with a free spirit.

Hundreds of thousands of lives have been affected through unselfish acts of giving. Give1Get4 is an extension of this concept. If you are at this site, it means that someone thought enough of you to personally extend an invite to the Give1Get4 activity. This is not a marketing web site. Guests at this web site are here, by personal invitation only, for the benefit of giving and a forum for their invitees to become givers of their own free will.

This is not a public forum and the activity is private.

If you are not interested in the unselfish activity of giving, we request that you simply thank the person who invited you and excuse yourself.

If you are… Please Register HERE.



I met last night with Banners Brokers President Rajiv Dixit

So who hasn’t heard yet of Banners Broker?

I met last night with Banners Brokers President Rajiv Dixit

I have heard so much about it lately but couldn’t find on line real answers to my questions a.k.a concerns.


So when I was given the opportunity to meet with Rajiv Dixit and his team last night, I took advantage of it.

The whole Banners Brokers team came last night to meet with us. David Hooker, Grant Deal and Stephanie… (sorry, I forgot her last name already. I have never been so good with names.

They gave us a great demonstration and answered many questions. And boy, did we have a lot of them. While I can’t say I’m 100% clear, I’m getting there slowly…

I have now to digest all the info that was given to us… And then do my own homework and research to confirm it all.

Here by the way, you can find some info about David Hooker ( Great and FUN guy…

They explained to us the whole concept of Banners Brokers and the way they operate it using the “Blind Network”. Blind what? Yep… That’s what I said. And my biggest surprise was that while I read so many reviews on Banners Brokers the last few months, I hadn’t seen a single mention of it.

I will try writing a post about it in the next days… (still want to understand it better first). But basically it means that they use a network of website where they put ads but we can’t really see where they’re stationed since they get moved from site to site as often as a few times an hour. That process allows advertisers to get more exposure and a reduced cost.

They now announced us that they started using an additional concept called: The Choice Network. (again, I’ll write a different blog on that). But one of the major difference is that this time, one can see and track where the ads are posted. They current;y off a choice of 20 sites and soon many more as they’re about to sign an agreement with a very large broker.

Oh and yes, Banners Brokers is a Broker too.

Using large network of other Brokers on line. So in essence they have millions os sites to post ads.

So why do they need us, the affiliates? And what do they do with our money?

Do we now own On line real estate once we pay them for any of the banners packages they offer?

The answer given to me by Banners Brokers‘s, CEO himself, was a clear NO. The monies we pay, are fees charged by the company. In return they offer us to double the amount of money spent in the course of the banner’s lifetime.

THIS IS NOT AN INVESTMENT OR SECURITY in any form. And no guarantees are made. In fact, the average income I think was just a little over $400 per year. Now, understand this is an average. So make way more and some who are inactive make little to nothing.

One more thing before the end of this quick post. Check out Better Business Bureau HERE"Banners Brokers". Records are clean…

Ok… I know that was a lot of info and not enough details. Consider it as an “intro”. I’ll work on more detailled posts on each item and part of the Banners Brokers concept in the coming days.

In the meantime, if you ahve any questions or are thinkig of joining Banners Brokers, give me a call! I can help.

Call or email me…

Everyone else does… 845.213.4337


Log In FREE for more info

I can help you get real results with my proven system…

"Contact Info Form"

Ethan The Marketing Pro
Banners Brokers

Unveiling The Mysteries Of Success – The POWER of LANGUAGE (day one)

It was 2006 when I first decided…

…that I am going to be rich.

And each week, ferociously gathered together a group of new eyeballs, on the top floor of a Mexican restaurant called Gallos…

…and persuade strangers to decide to join a $1,000 vitamin deal.


I remember doing several hundred meetings, and each week, we’d have about 20% of the roomjoin our deal… Our team grew from two…

…to four – and it was grueling.

Then, late one night, I was hanging out with my buddy Tom, who lived in a refrigerator in the back of a store.  (They hollowed it out, like a cave).

Tom introduced me to a concept – a mysterious secret – that I’m going to share with you now…

…and I never had a meeting after that day, where I didn’t sponsor at least 80% of the room.

Would you like to know what I learned?

It’s the same secret, that enabled me to mysteriously out produce around 10,000 other affiliates – ALL of whom had a bigger list than I did – when I was living out of the back side of a Green, 1996 dodge caravan when I decided to get into affiliate marketing in August of 2009…

…it’s the same secret, that created a single video with no email follow up, that converted at over 21% when we launched Empower Network.

THIS SECRET can help you release your inner badass…

…over the next month, I’m going to teach you to master the mysterious secret.  However, I’m not going to tell you the day that I’ll share it, and you’ll have to pay attention carefully if you want to absorb it’s true power.

You’ll need to follow my assignments, watch the videos I tell you to watch, and if you do…

…I’m going to help you DRAMATICALLY CHANGE your marketing, and unlock the key tountold powers of persuasion.

Nearly six years later and earning $350,000 a month, I was sitting in front of my computer, staring at different people’s websites, and wondering:

What the HELL is the secret?

Later that day, I was talking to Rob Fore, and he casually mentioned how he has everything that I do transcribed… and I remembered the conversation I had with my pal – who lived in a fridge in Alaska…

…that multiplied my power of sponsoring by 400%instantly.

I had this video transcribed, and read how I talk now – naturally, and easily, while selling – unscripted, I read like a Dan Kennedy sales letter – flowing in the unconscious…

…and now:

I realized again – the power of my words.

What I noticed, is that when there are two people, who apparently are doing the same thing, decide to take action, and go all out – that sometimes there is a man who excells abnormally beyond the other, with no apparent difference in action – at least to the untrained eye.

Over the next month (or so) I’m going to train your eye.

You’ll know exactly why something is compelling – or not compelling you to join immediately.

You’ll understand how to craft your blog posts in a way that literally COMMANDS your unconscious mind to do your bidding, and forces your prospects to either hate your guts – or conform to the power of your will.

You will become like Thor, commanding the forces of nature to abide by your bidding, with your new found power of communication, you’ll be like the masterful politician – who…

…doesn’t ever answer a question, yet rallies a nation around an ambiguous idea that FORCES the masses to vote for him, regardless of what he says – and if you pay attention NOW…

…you may even learn the secret.

Understanding the power of words, is understanding the forces of the universe itself, and how you, like any man or woman, can stand in an ocean of power of your own domain – and speak the world you choose into existence, and force the universe to conform to your will.

You can do this, trust me.

First – I want you to realize something – that language, like any other force in nature, has a structure behind the structure.

What you say isn’t always what you think you say – and that meaning is in the eye of the beholder.

Sometimes you may say to your child, like in the Garden of Eden “You CAN’T touch THAT…”  For example, if someone said:

“WHATEVER you do – don’t click this red link…”

…you may find that un-intentionally, you are forcing people to do the exact opposite, and they literally can’t do anything but decide to watch the video.

You may even discover, looking back at your blog – that you’re literally commanding the unconscious mind of your prospects to not join immediatelyto decide to not buy, and that without realizing it, you’ve been forcing your prospects…

…to NOW not make the very decision that can change their life in a moment.

Maybe, because that’s what YOU did.

Isn’t it?

Perhaps, after 21 days, you may even find that your language has changed automatically – and that all of a sudden, you speak with power, and communicate in artful persuasion that is unknown to all but the gods…

…and you may even start to command commissions to come into your bank account –instantly.

Do you think it’s possible for you?


…it’s time to make a decision – that from this moment, through the end of this month, you’ll do exactly as I say in these blog posts, and follow my assignments exactly.

I’m going to teach you how to use the power of words, how to break down artful communication like you’re a natural born hypnotist, and how to speak life into the world with a conviction and power that will startle the forces of nature.

This effort is going to culminate and come to fruition in San Diego – September 21-23rd, at our first annual “Fight the FORCES of EVIL” event (members only) where we are going to break down the science and power of wealth creation online…

…and all you have to be willing to do is:

Decide to take action.

Decide that you’re all in.

Decide that you’re ready to create your destiny.

Decide that there’s a better way…

…and if you’re ready, we’ll even show you the plan that we’ve used to get there.

DON’T click this link if you’re not ready for a MASSIVE breakthrough, now.

Here’s what we’re going to do first:

I want to you to set your intention, of what you’re going to make happen between now and September 21st – and create the statement in the present tense, described through the five senses, time stamped – like this:

“I am sitting in the San Diego convention center September 21st, on Friday nightgathered with 3,000 fanatical Empower Network members, sitting down – staring at the vision I created in front of my computer, smiling – as the voice of David Sharpe roars through the speakers, and I feel a rush of satisfaction, as I look down now, and realize – that in the last 2 weeks, my marketing has transformed, and am now sponsoring 2 new reps… daily, for the last week – by the power of my words…  all because I decided to listen EXACTLY to what I was told to do…  It’s amazing how easy it was to create the shift – all by following these daily assignments…”

The goal could be anything, and the more clarity you have and the stronger the descriptive language, the better.

Do it now.

There are two kinds of people who will read these posts – people who benefit, and people to whom at the end of this series – it is all a mystery.

Set your intention now.

Now that you’ve done it – I want you to read the goal out loud, visualizing yourself in the chair, reflecting back over the last two weeks – in the San Diego convention center, in the present tense.

Read your goal out loud now.

Now, there’s a few things that you’re going to need to do – right now, to follow these assignments:

1.  If you’re not in Empower Network yetget started here for $25.  Why?  Because to master these concepts, you’re going to need to write daily for around 30-60 minutes for the next 2 weeks, on a public blog.

If you don’t follow the assignments, you won’t master the concepts – so get it, now.

2.  You are going to need 2 more products that we sell, the Inner Circle, and the Costa Rica Mastermind Intensive.  After you get started, you’ll be taken to videos where you can buy them now.

Buy them.

Why?  Because You’re going to be breaking down language and writing about it on your blog that is setup instantly when you join us.  If you don’t buy the products, you won’t master the concepts, and you’re language won’t transform in the way that you want.

3.  Buy your tickets to San Diego.  Why?  Because this event that you’re attending with us this month is different than anything you’ve ever been to before.

If you don’t go, you won’t be in a position to transform your business, we’re going to be releasing something there – a formula, to go from zero to $100,000 a month.  By now I’m sure that you realize that there is a power in associating with people who have what you want…

…there’s something magical that happens to you, by the power of surrounding yourself with people who get results that are magical – and when you get to the event, you’ll know why.

Last:  Today your assignment is simple.   After you’ve followed the assignment and set your goal, I want you to write a blog post on the power of language, and put it on your Empower Network Blog.  Write it from scratch, with your own creativity, with your own stories, and link back to this post as a reference.

If you just add ?id=username to the end of the link to this post, it will track to you.  I want it to be unique – entirely original, and reference back, realizing that everything here, and on most modern sites is copyrighted, and you need to learn language, which you can only do by taking action on the assignments I’m giving to you.

After you make the blog post now, be sure to join our Google Plus Groupand participate in the discussions!

FINALLY, login to the Inner Circle (click here), scroll down, and listen to the audio called “Speak the World Into Existence” and we’ll start tomorrow :)

I’m looking forward to your transformation.

Let’s lock arms…

…and fight the forces of evil.

See you in San Diego.

Ethan, The Marketing Pro. (written by David Wood)

P.S.  Leave your thoughts in the comments below, and be sure to share this on Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter.

If you can’t comment, it means that we’re still in the middle of our Facebook Protest (click here), and we invite you to join us, in keeping free speech alive!

Oh, and here’s a picture of Rob Fore using his mysterious powers at our last event (enjoy):

Lol.  Rob is a mysterious badass.  

Have you written on your blog today yet?

Call or email me…

Everyone else does… 845.213.4337


Log In FREE for more info

I can help you get real results with my proven system…

"Contact Info Form"

Ethan The Marketing Pro

The POWER of hypnotic LANGUAGE (day one)

Funnyisn’t it?

How a man like Kris Darty

can ramble for 2 hours about nothing,

yet somehow sponsor 500 people in

a week?

Or how at the last minute,  I fired

up my computer last year, did an un-

planned U-Stream and posted a note

on my Facebook wall, and made

$33,000 in an evening?

How come 2 people – both working

their butt off, placing seemingly

‘similar’ ads, yet creating dramatically

different results – yet one person earns

$50,000 a month, and the other…

…still struggling to get a sale?

One night – late, in 2006, I was hanging

out at my friend Tom’s place (he lived in

a fridge in the back of a store in alaska)

and he introduced me to a concept that

I’ve now used to:

* Go from recruiting a measly 15%

of a room, to sponsoring 85% of the

same prospects – in one night!

Become the #1 sales leader in four

different network marketing companies,

just in the last 2 years.

Launch a site that’s climbed into the

top 500 online…

…and pay people like you over $13

million in commissions since October

31st of last year.

Over the next several weeks, I’m starting

a new series – for free, that you can use

to LITERALLY change the forces of

the universe – to abide by the bidding of

your will, and all you have to do is…

…listen in, read dailyand focus.

Today, you’re going to start the process

of unlocking the mystery – the reason,

why you haven’t been getting the results

that you want, all along – and this moment…

…all you have to do, is:

Start here:

Unveiling The Mysteries Of Success – The POWER of LANGUAGE (day one)”

Experience day one, by clicking here now.

I want to show you somethingthat 

to be honest, makes my own mind bend:

That’s our top earners, from the first of August through

the 31st (just last month) and what they earned

using just SOME of the concepts you’ll learn

from this free series.

Click here to join in on day one (FREE)

Without guaranteeing that you’re going to get

these results (we can’t promise income, see

our real, live income disclosure) that is the

most powerful representation of what’s possible

that I’ve ever seen online.

The truth is:

You CAN become powerful.

You ARE a masterful creation.

You ARE BECOMING what you’ve always

wanted to be…

…and all you have to do is:

Take action.

Watch this.

And watch your email tomorrow.

Ethan, The Marketing Pro.

Call or email me…

Everyone else does… 845.213.4337


Log In FREE for more info

I can help you get real results with my proven system…

"Contact Info Form"

Ethan The Marketing Pro

Managing Your Banners Brokers Campaigns

Managing Your Banners Broker Campaigns

Ad-Pub Campaign with Banners Brokers

If you’ve been following the sequence of these lessons, you’ll understand the whole concept of how banners broker works and what they give you in return for purchasing advertising from them.

In this lesson, we’re going to learn what to do with the advertising impressions you have bought.

Although you primarily got into this business because you wanted to make money, you still have an added benefit you can utilize. This benefit is the item you bought.

You didn’t think you bought yourself the ability to multiply an investment did you?

All you did was buy a product. The product you bought was – Advertising Impressions.

The fact that you make money with Banners Brokers, is separate to this purchase and yet also beneficial. Taking an overall look, you’re benefiting from the rented panels and you’re also benefiting from your primary purchase which is your ability to display your own banner ads across the net (advertising anything you want).

Of course, if you’re going to be advertising using Banners Brokers‘s banner ad, you need to have a banner ad already made (or use one provided by banners broker). If you don’t have one made, get on the case, or get someone to make it for you for $5 from

You will also need to have a website you want to advertise. When people see your banner ad and then click on it, they should be transported to the website you want to advertise.

You can either direct people to your own website or send them to a website for whom you are an affiliate for. This way, if they buy anything, you’ll get a commission.

The third option is to direct the visitors to your Banners Brokers site through your affiliate link. You’ll find your affiliate link within the banners broker members area. If you choose this option, you’ll find banners already created for you when you go through the advertising campaign setup process. If anyone ends up joining banners broker as an advertiser or a publisher or as an agent, you will receive some benefit from that. We will discuss this benefit in a later lesson.

If you have your banner and website ready, you can now go through the process I am about to outline to set up your Banners Brokers campaign. A campaign is the actual advertising process and has nothing to do with the making money side of things. It  refers purely to the advertising impressions you bought.

There are two steps in managing your advertising impressions with Banners Brokers.

  1. Getting Impressions
  2. Setting up the campaign

The first step is to log into your Banners Brokers back office and click on Campaigns >> Impression Bank. This will show you how many impressions you currently have in your bank. You should see 1000 impressions in there.

You may be asking yourself why you have only 1000 impressions in your bank instead of the amount you really purchased. The answer is, you need to collect your purchased impressions from a different place and transfer them into this bank. The 1000 you see in the bank are complimentary, courtesy of banners broker. They give them to you free when you purchase a package.

So how do you go about collecting the rest of your purchased impressions and transfer them into this impression bank?

Follow this process…

Go to Manage Inventory >> View Panels.

When you do this, you’ll be taken to a page which will display your yellow panel. Don’t worry about panels for now. We’ll discuss this in detail later.

For now, all you need to do is look towards the bottom of the panel and you’ll see a button named Get Impression.

Here’s what you should see…

"Banners Brokers"

Click that button and you’ll see a certain amount of impressions transferred to your bank account.

After you’ve done that, click on another color and do the same thing. Keep doing this all the way up to the color of the package you bought.

So if you bought the green package, you would collect impressions from the yellow, purple, blue and green panels.

Once you have collected the impressions from each of these panels, go back and visit your impression bank at Campaigns >> Impression Bank. You’ll now find that it has been loaded with the amount of impressions you have purchased according to your package plus 1000 complimentary impressions.

For example, if you purchased the red package, you are due to receive 121,000 impressions. After you collect all the impressions using the process above, you will find 122,000 impressions in your impression bank – 121,000 from your purchase and 1000 complimentary impressions.

The next step is to set up your campaign so you can start advertising your business using these 122,000 advertising impressions.

Go to Campaigns >> Manage Impressions

The first thing you’ll notice is the legend at the top which says:

  • “BBC” is your Banners Broker Campaign.
  • “C1K” is your Complimentary 1000 Impressions Campaign.
  • Campaigns currently take 48 hours to begin.
  • Only 3 campaigns will be running at the same time.

If your campaign is marked with BBC or C1K, it indicates what type of impressions you will be using up. You can use your complimentary impressions (C1K) or your purchased impressions (BBC) for a campaign.

You can only run 3 campaigns at any one time, meaning you can drive traffic to 3 different websites (using banner ads).

Don’t expect your campaigns to start immediately. It takes some time for the banners broker staff to activate your campaigns.

Lets go through the campaign setup process…

Hopefully, you are still at: Campaigns >> Manage Impressions

Click on the big Add New Campaign button and you will see the following screen…

"Banners Brokers"

It’s fairly self explanatory but here are some guidelines to completing the form.

  1. Give your campaign a name, which may indicate the site or product you are promoting.
  2. Choose the category of the website you are trying to promote by selecting an option from the drop-down list.
  3. Input how many impressions you would like to be used up for this campaign. Test with a small amount first to see if that banner attracts people.
  4. Enter the website you want to drive traffic to with your banner.
  5. Select whether you want to target people by country or city.
  6. Choose the countries/cities you would like to target from the left pane and add them to the right pane.

Click the Next button to proceed to the next page. The next page will look like this:

"Banners Brokers"


Here, simply select a size of banner you’d like to upload and then click the “Add/Modify” link (hidden behind that drop-down list).

Then you’ll be asked to upload your banner through that same page. Upload it and click Save. Then wait 5 minutes for your banner to show up.

You can do this step as long as you have a banner ad prepared beforehand. If you don’t, wait until you do.

That’s it. Your campaign will start within a couple of days.

So far, you have taken advantage of the item you actually paid for and you have made use of one of the two benefits.

Now, we’re going to move on to talk about the other side of the business and that is making money through packages and panels.

Although you have a basic idea of what a package is (since you bought one), we’ll begin by talking a bit more about packages so you understand the whole picture.

In the meantime…

Now that you are familiar with the whole system, you may be interested in learning about strategies to make more money, faster.

If you want the best chance at success in your Banners Brokers business, you need to learn Attraction Marketing principles. Click here for a free 7 video training series on attraction marketing.

By using attraction marketing, learning a few marketing skills, and leveraging the power of the internet, you can succeed where the other 95% fail.

Imagine not having to buy leads, make cold calls, or even having to try and sell to your friends and family. What if you could easily start attracting people to you who are eager to learn about your business and may buy from you even if they don’t join your business?

Align yourself with someone who can help you create your marketing strategy, keep you focused and improve your quality of life. Every minute you delay is costing you and your family precious time and money.

Get the online system that will help you close more professionals into your business, generate more leads, earn additional commissions and make more money on autopilot.

Just imagine how amazing it will feel when you have prospects calling you instead of you chasing them.
Click Here ==> Get Your Hands On This System RIGHT NOW!

Call or email me…

Everyone else does… 845.213.4337


Log In FREE for more info

I can help you get real results with my proven system…

"Contact Info Form"

Ethan The Marketing Pro
Banners Brokers


Banners broker is a ponzi scheme ~ Objections and Answers

Banners Brokers is a ponzi scheme ~ Objections and Answers

Banners Brokers, Objections and Answers

"banners brokers"Sometimes, I see comments from people who believe that this is nothing but a MLM program or a pyramid scheme or a ponzi scheme or a gifting program or that it’s network marketing.

Generally, these types of comments come from people who have briefly looked at the system and decided to form an opinion based on pre-conceived notions.

Every day we get slammed with the ethics and the feasibility of pyramid schemes or MLM programs and this has captured some of our minds so completely, that anything which remotely resembles such a scheme is branded as a scheme and is judged to be never looked at again.

The other type of person is one who has previously been fully submersed in negativity for years on end.

When a legitimate opportunity arises, his mind is still set to reach a certain height and that is known as his “ceiling”. He cannot think or go beyond that ceiling no matter how hard he tries because of the years of negativity which conditioned his brain. He is effectively brainwashed to think that certain things which look like ‘so and so’ are BAD and should not be approached under any circumstances!

This puts him on high alert and he is always on the lookout for such things. When he comes across something which may resemble it, he’ll condemn it without even looking into the intricacies of the system or program.

I come across these types of people occasionally and it still continues to amaze me how after seeing themselves reject opportunity after opportunity, they still don’t get what’s holding them back.

This negativity and short-sightedness makes this person miss hundreds of opportunities because he dismisses each of them as “schemes” or “fads” or finds some other fault with the program to justify his continuing failure in life.

This type of person would even reject taking $100 from a person who simply walks up to him in the street and offers him $100 with no strings attached. Yes, there are such people out there who think and believe that there is always a catch. This helps justify the pre-conceived notion that you have to work your guts off to make a decent living.

If you give him a real legitimate answer to his concerns, he still pulls in obscure, far reaching scenarios to justify his rejection of the program. He will break every answer with an even further-reaching scenario whereby you have no choice but to let him dwell in his ignorance and pre-conceived notions.

He is known as the pessimist. Here is the definition of pessimist:

A person who habitually sees or anticipates the worst or is disposed to be gloomy.

There will always be people who will look at everything with the worst possible outlook. Everything they see, they feel that it’s no good. The world is all gloom and doom. Nothing ever goes right.

These people are always looking for the bad in any situation rather than looking for the good.

For example, if they meet a person for the first time, they immediately start to look for flaws in him or his character and this is the thing they tend to remember about that person. But they will quite easy forget the $150 he just handed him because the flaws of that person take a front seat in the mind of the pessimist.

Yes, even if someone was to hand the pessimist some money with no strings attached, he will still look for a reason thinking that there HAS to be a catch.

If he can’t find a catch, he will keep searching. This is a very cynical view. He believes that no one does something for free. He believes that the giver is doing it with an ulterior motive.

The truth is, the world has a lot of good in it as well as bad. By focusing on the bad alone, you start to believe that good doesn’t really exist.

This holds especially true with phrases like “It’s too good to be true” or “nothing in this world is free”.

Other than the obvious wrong with this way of thinking, the side effect is a poor attitude.

No one likes a person who’s always thinking the worst of everything even if you do good by him. Eventually, this pessimist will alienate everyone around him.

Imagine if you went out of your way to help someone from the goodness of your heart, but the person you helped, turned out to be a pessimist and a cynic.

He never really understood why you did what you did and didn’t appreciate the effort you put in because he believes you did it to help yourself. He believes that no one does things to help others. He believes that that there is ALWAYS an ulterior motive.

Imagine how that would make you feel. You are doing your best to help him and he is outright rejecting you and your efforts. Doesn’t that just piss you off?

I sincerely hope you are not the type of person described above. If you notice any of these qualities within yourself, take a step back and re-evaluate your whole perception of opportunities.

Now let’s deal with some of the specific objections or queries related to banners broker.

Most of the objections arise due to a misunderstanding of the business and how it works. When someone objects to a business opportunity, without even understanding how it works, who do you think is the dumb person in the equation? The general rule is: If you’re going to make an objection, make sure you know what you are talking about before making yourself look silly.

OK, let’s start with the objections.

Objection: Banners Brokers is a ponzi scheme!

I could deal with this from my own understanding of the word ponzi, but let’s take the wikipedia definition of a ponzi scheme and go through all its points, one by one. This way, you can rest assured that those that want to believe this as a ponzi scheme, have no legs to stand on.

Here is the wikipedia definition…

A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to its investors from their own money or the money paid by subsequent investors, rather than from profit earned by the individual or organization running the operation. The Ponzi scheme usually entices new investors by offering higher returns than other investments, in the form of short-term returns that are either abnormally high or unusually consistent. Perpetuation of the high returns requires an ever-increasing flow of money from new investors to keep the scheme going.

The system is destined to collapse because the earnings, if any, are less than the payments to investors. Usually, the scheme is interrupted by legal authorities before it collapses because a Ponzi scheme is suspected or because the promoter is selling unregistered securities. As more investors become involved, the likelihood of the scheme coming to the attention of authorities increases.

Now let’s go through it, bit by bit and analyze Banners Brokers.

A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to its investors from their own money or the money paid by subsequent investors, rather than from profit earned by the individual or organization running the operation.

Banners Brokers pays its agents a share of the revenue it receives from advertisers who buy impressions from them. Banners Brokers does not pass on other agent’s money on to other agents. It all comes from the money paid by outside advertisers.

The Ponzi scheme usually entices new investors by offering higher returns than other investments, in the form of short-term returns that are either abnormally high or unusually consistent.

Banners Brokers does not promise quick return and nether does it give abnormally high returns.
If you buy a panel, you would get only twice the amount you paid for it (not abnormally high) and it could take anywhere between 20 days to 10 months depending on the type of panel you buy. This proves that Banners Brokers is not a get rich scheme. It’s not short term because the time for a decent return could take ages. You have to be prepared for this as a Banners Brokers agent.

Perpetuation of the high returns requires an ever-increasing flow of money from new investors to keep the scheme going.

Remember, with Banners Brokers you don’t get high returns. You get slow consistent returns.
Furthermore, new agents with Banners Brokers are not needed for you to make money from the system. Your Banners Brokers income is completely independent to new people joining banners broker because your income comes from the money paid by advertisers.

The system is destined to collapse because the earnings, if any, are less than the payments to investors.

This is a normal business where the money paid by agents is not needed to pay other agents. The earnings are far in excess of the amount needed to be paid to its agents and this is proven the company growing on a massive scale. Banners Brokers have offices in many countries and are always expanding.
Banners Brokers has enough money to pay their agents and then have a hefty profit on top of that.

Usually, the scheme is interrupted by legal authorities before it collapses because a Ponzi scheme is suspected or because the promoter is selling unregistered securities. As more investors become involved, the likelihood of the scheme coming to the attention of authorities increases.

Banners Brokers has been going since 2010 and has no problems with any of its business ethics or its business model. There is no investigation because it doesn’t even fall near the description of a ponzi scheme. If it did, you’d hear about it somewhere or other.
Currently, Banners Brokers has over 15k agents and that number is increasing rapidly, day by day. Don’t you think that if it was in the least bit illegal or unethical, the news would be plastered all over the media or the Internet?

Banners Brokers is a legitimate firm and is currently making all the right moves in order to become tax compliant in all the countries it serves. Would an illegal operation even think about doing that?

After reading these answers, does Banners Brokers still seem like a ponzi scheme?

Objection: Banners Broker is a MLM system or a Network Marketing System or a Pyramid Scheme.

With some of these schemes, there are elements of legality as well as ethics involved.

Some of these are not allowed and yet they still operate.

In these schemes, the person who started the scheme generally makes the most money as cash is funneled up to him by all the sales that go on below him, while the people at the bottom lose out when they cannot recruit anymore.

If you want to look at the definition of how an MLM company operates, read this well researched article here.

With banners broker, there is no one person at the top collecting the money from the poor souls at the bottom. Every person is responsible for his/her success including the company. Yet, the company has made it possible for itself to benefit along with agents who can benefit using the unique model they have devised.

Some people object that you’re just passing money from one person to another and no real product exists. Once again, due to a lack of investigation, this is also untrue.

You indeed receive ad impressions for your money as well as a panel(s). That is what you buy. It’s just like making a normal transaction to buy advertising but with a clever added twist.

Along with your impression purchase, you also receive a few ad spots (panels) on other people’s sites. This is the part of the business that helps you make money.

If there was no product, this program would indeed be unethical and possibly illegal.

What about the saturation/flooding dilemma? Think about this: Can any program be saturated to such an extent that the whole world would be in it? It’s possible in theory but practically impossible. Currently, banners broker control thousands upon thousands of publisher sites with several thousands more in the queue waiting to be approved by them. Furthermore, if you look into the business model, you’ll understand why these ad spots can’t run out – they expire!

There will always be people on the face of this earth that will buy advertising, and if these people run out, there will always be a new population which will arrive and buy advertising. There is practically no such thing as saturation with this. Existing advertisers continue to use banners broker for their advertising needs while publishers continue to use banners broker in order to continue being paid.

Furthermore, refusing to join a program because of fear of saturation, by that logic, you can’t start any business in the world as eventually, theoretically, there would come a point when it saturates.

Now what about the payment structure. Doesn’t that resemble the structure of Network Marketing or MLM?

The reality is no, it doesn’t even resemble it. The only reason why people may think of it as a MLM or Network Marketing program is because there are thousands of people gathered together under one company in order to make money. Just because of this event, people like to brand it as a MLM or NM program, whereas in reality, it’s nothing of the sort. Just this resemblance is enough to throw these pessimists into a fit and start complaining of stupid schemes.

But the fact is, banners broker operates a structure so that no one at the top is getting rich of poor people at the bottom. In this, anyone can exceed anyone else, even the guy who referred you to the program can make less than you.

This again is completely against a network marketing/MLM model by its very nature.

Objection: This seems similar to the old autosurf scam

This is nothing like an autosurf program in any way. You don’t need to surf any sites and you don’t receive a daily return on your investment.
The autosurf scam used new member’s money to pay the older members, whereas in banners broker, the money paid to its agents comes from banners broker’s profits, which in turn comes from advertisers paying them directly.

Objection: Who are the advertisers? I can’t see them.

If banners broker doesn’t disclose their advertisers, it doesn’t hurt anybody. It makes no difference to the business in any way or to the money that we receive. If a company wants to keep things private, that’s their business.

What difference would it make if it disclosed its advertisers? They would only decrease their business if they did so.

But I’m struggling to find out why that would be a concern to anyone when it has nothing to do with anything regarding making money.

Other Objections

I’ve seen some other objections but these objections were made from the type of pessimists and cynics I have described above. Their objections held no weight and were blowing steam in order to justify their own failures.

Now here’s the million dollar question. If one of these brainwashed individuals reads this post and reads all my evidences against the common objection, will he still remain stubborn and true to his limited ceiling height, or will it suddenly come down on him as a revelation and he fights his way through the years of conditioning and programming which makes him see all programs as schemes? Will he break free of the tight fist which has kept him caged into a virtual prison in his head? I’ll leave that to you to answer.

So, the purpose behind this post is to point out the narrow minded views of a few individuals who can’t see far. It’s frustrating to try and convince these people of the good in the program when their own brains have put a halt to receiving such information.

Ask yourself, are you one of these individuals?

After you are familiar with the whole system, you may be interested in learning about strategies to make more money, faster.

If you want the best chance at success in your Banners Brokers business, you need to learn Attraction Marketing principles. Click here for a free 7 video training series on attraction marketing.

By using attraction marketing, learning a few marketing skills, and leveraging the power of the internet, you can succeed where the other 95% fail.

Imagine not having to buy leads, make cold calls, or even having to try and sell to your friends and family. What if you could easily start attracting people to you who are eager to learn about your business and may buy from you even if they don’t join your business?

Align yourself with someone who can help you create your marketing strategy, keep you focused and improve your quality of life. Every minute you delay is costing you and your family precious time and money.

Get the online system that will help you close more professionals into your business, generate more leads, earn additional commissions and make more money on autopilot.

Just imagine how amazing it will feel when you have prospects calling you instead of you chasing them.
Click Here ==> Get Your Hands On This System RIGHT NOW!

Call or email me…

Everyone else does… 845.213.4337


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I can help you get real results with my proven system…

"Contact Info Form"

Ethan The Marketing Pro
Banners Brokers


Grace Adele Review – Is It Worth It?

Grace Adele Review – Is It Worth It?

Grace Adele Review – An unbiased review

"Grace Adele Review"Almost everyday you see new mlm companies, however only a few are able to grow into real opportunities. In this Grace Adele review we will talk about this new business opportunity and hopefully give you a few details about this new company.

I did a little research on this company it came out that Grace Adele is a brand of Scentsy Inc. Scentsy is a party plan company that has growth and expanded for many years now, Scentsy’s new offering is Grace Adele, which is a brand that caters to the fashion market.

Grace Adele ~ The Product line

Its product line in this company is refreshing, it offers women a complete line of handbags, jewelries and other types of fashion accessories with unique designs.

Grace Adele has managed to catch the eyes of many individuals due to its unique idea. This concept enables customers to design exactly what they want. Even though Grace Adele has been around only for a few weeks since July 2012 it has experienced growth already a some great momentum.

Now when it comes to the Grace product line it is actually a great idea, clients can choose what color or style they want to incorporate on their bags. They can also easily find the custom fashion accessory to match a unique personal style.

When it comes to selling the business opportunity side of Grace Adele is designed to be marketed using the party hosting system.

Even though is not a requirement, these type of products are meant to be sold person to person. Now in order to become a representative in Grace Adele it cost about $199 to get the Grace Adele started kit, which is not high considering you are getting clothing accessories and a business opportunity.

In conclusion this seems like a good opportunity to get into if you are looking for a ground floor company. Because this company comes from the Scentsy family it already has a proven track record and leaders behind it.

Grace Adele ~ Agent and Income Opportunity.

"Grace Adele Review"If you’re interested in getting free products by hosting private parties or make additional and fun income, then give me a call.

The Company offers a great compensation plan and rewards for people interested in helping getting the name Grace Adele out there.

Overall, Grace Adele seems to be a very promising opportunity. The management and executive team is capable and has a proven track record. A cause of concern however is the availability of Grace Adele products. As of writing, Grace Adele products can only be purchased in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and Guam.

If you ask me why you Grace Adele should be a good sell, then here are five good reasons —the initial investment is inexpensive, it has a unique concept, the marketing and selling process is tested, the brand is new and the management and executive team is tested.

If you want the best chance at success in your business, you need to learn Attraction Marketing principles. Click here for a free video about our training series on attraction marketing.

By using attraction marketing, learning a few marketing skills, and leveraging the power of the internet, you can succeed where the other 95% fail.

Imagine not having to buy leads, make cold calls, or even having to try and sell to your friends and family. What if you could easily start attracting people to you who are eager to learn about your business and may buy from you even if they don’t join your business?

Align yourself with someone who can help you create your marketing strategy, keep you focused and improve your quality of life. Every minute you delay is costing you and your family precious time and money.

Get the online system that will help you close more professionals into your business, generate more leads, earn additional commissions and make more money on autopilot.

Just imagine how amazing it will feel when you have prospects calling you instead of you chasing them.
Click Here ==> Get Your Hands On This System RIGHT NOW!

Call or email me…

… 845.213.4337

Review of Grace Adele 



Grace Adele – Ground Floor Opportunity (within the Scentsy Family)

Grace Adele – Ground Floor Opportunity (within the Scentsy Family)

"grace adele review"

Ground Floor Opportunity With Grace Adele –

The Scentsy Family just announced the newest Brand, Grace Adele!

A stylish brand of Handbags, Clutches, Wallets and Jewelry. This opportunity starts August 1st 2012 at noon MST!

You can join at

Designed by a former Coach Bag Designer! These Purses, Handbags and Clutches are of the highest quality!
Do you love fashion and handbags? Then join us on this adventure as you mix and match colors, bags,

purses, clutches, accessories and jewelry collections and create custom styles to fit your look to your day.

Grace Adele makes fashion work for you.

Top reasons to join Grace Adele now?

Ground floor opportunity – company is launching August 1st

The Scentsy Family group gives you a CHOICE – sell one brand, two, or all three! Regardless of what you decide to do, you will be building only one team.

All commissions are paid under the umbrella company, Scentsy Fragrance. So you can recruit for all three

companies, even if you choose not to sell for all three companies. The possibilities are endless!

Simply sign up to receive a personal discount on your purchases. Only one purchase is required from

July 1st – December 31st to stay active.


"grace adele review"


The kit is $199.00 and includes the following:


• Grace Adele Bag (1)


• Grace Adele Clutch (1)


• Grace Adele Clip-Ons (2)


• Grace Adele Necklace (1)


• Grace Adele Earrings (1 pair)


• Catalogs (50)


• Order Forms (100)


• Print-Your-Own Business Cards (100)


• Postcard Invitations (100)


• Party/Join Brochures (25)


• Host Envelopes (5)


• New Consultant Start-Up Guide (1)


• Consultant Folder (1)


• Bag Stand (1)


• Clutch Stand (1)


• Jewelry Stand (1)


• Consultant Tote (1)


• Fabric Swatch Cards


Please email with any questions or if you would like to receive more information

on any of the Scentsy Fragrance opportunities.

Grace Adele ~ Agent and Income Opportunity.

If you’re interested in getting free products by hosting private parties or make additional and fun income, then give me a call.

The Company offers a great compensation plan and rewards for people interested in helping getting the name Grace Adele out there.

Overall, Grace Adele seems to be a very promising opportunity. The management and executive team is capable and has a proven track record. A cause of concern however is the availability of Grace Adele products. As of writing, Grace Adele products can only be purchased in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and Guam.

If you ask me why you Grace Adele should be a good sell, then here are five good reasons —the initial investment is inexpensive, it has a unique concept, the marketing and selling process is tested, the brand is new and the management and executive team is tested.

If you want the best chance at success in your business, you need to learn Attraction Marketing principles. Click here for a free 7 video training series on attraction marketing.

By using attraction marketing, learning a few marketing skills, and leveraging the power of the internet, you can succeed where the other 95% fail.

Imagine not having to buy leads, make cold calls, or even having to try and sell to your friends and family. What if you could easily start attracting people to you who are eager to learn about your business and may buy from you even if they don’t join your business?

Align yourself with someone who can help you create your marketing strategy, keep you focused and improve your quality of life. Every minute you delay is costing you and your family precious time and money.

Get the online system that will help you close more professionals into your business, generate more leads, earn additional commissions and make more money on autopilot.

Just imagine how amazing it will feel when you have prospects calling you instead of you chasing them.
Click Here ==> Get Your Hands On This System RIGHT NOW!

Call or email me…

… 845.213.4337

Review of Grace Adele 

Grace Adele Product Review

Grace Adele Product Review

Grace Adele ~ Disclaimer

Okay, let’s start off with a dose of honesty here. I am clearly not Mary Poppins – I am NOT perfect in ANY way BUT did take care of the whole house and my 3 kids for over 2 months while my wife was away on a business trip – but, based on what I see her carry around with her every day you might think my ability to stuff her bag to overflowing is pretty darn amazing.

Let me show you what I mean…

Review of Grace Adele, Courtesy of  Tauni Here.

"grace adele review"


"Grace Adele Handbag Packaging"

Grace Adele ~ Agent and Income Opportunity.

If you’re interested in getting free products by hosting private parties or make additional and fun income, then give me a call.

The Company offers a great compensation plan and rewards for people interested in helping getting the name Grace Adele out there.

Overall, Grace Adele seems to be a very promising opportunity. The management and executive team is capable and has a proven track record. A cause of concern however is the availability of Grace Adele products. As of writing, Grace Adele products can only be purchased in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and Guam.

If you ask me why you Grace Adele should be a good sell, then here are five good reasons —the initial investment is inexpensive, it has a unique concept, the marketing and selling process is tested, the brand is new and the management and executive team is tested.

If you want the best chance at success in your business, you need to learn Attraction Marketing principles. Click here for a free 7 video training series on attraction marketing.

By using attraction marketing, learning a few marketing skills, and leveraging the power of the internet, you can succeed where the other 95% fail.

Imagine not having to buy leads, make cold calls, or even having to try and sell to your friends and family. What if you could easily start attracting people to you who are eager to learn about your business and may buy from you even if they don’t join your business?

Align yourself with someone who can help you create your marketing strategy, keep you focused and improve your quality of life. Every minute you delay is costing you and your family precious time and money.

Get the online system that will help you close more professionals into your business, generate more leads, earn additional commissions and make more money on autopilot.

Just imagine how amazing it will feel when you have prospects calling you instead of you chasing them.
Click Here ==> Get Your Hands On This System RIGHT NOW!

Call or email me…

… 845.213.4337

Review of Grace Adele 

Banners Brokers Breakdown Video Presentation

Banners Brokers Breakdown Video Presentation

I haven’t found a good Banners Brokers Breakdown anywhere on the net which didn’t go over the same old presentations as everyone else.

No one seems to put it all together in one coherent fashion.

Before I joined banners broker as an agent, I scoured the net for an explanation which would lay it all out properly rather than have it split up between sites while not joining things up.

After studying all the various videos and parts of the system, I still had many questions because no one gave it to me all-together in one blended manner.

So after asking loads of questions and studying the intricacies of the system, I decided to construct my own banners broker breakdown. This is what you are reading now.

At the end of each section, I will point you to the next page in the flow of understanding the system.

Let’s start with the Banners Broker Overview Video.

A few months ago (from the time of this writing), I came across a system which I thought was the best system in the world.

It made me a lot of money and it still does. I thought that there would be nothing to beat that, but I was wrong.

When I came across the banners broker system, I compared the two and saw that I didn’t have to work with this system. All it required was some initial start-up money.

This concept of not working and yet earning money at the same time is very new to me, as everything I have done over the past 10 years online, always involved doing some type of work to gain an income.

Although I have dabbled in the forex market, it still required work and it also involved living with losses. This is definitely not an ideal type of business.

So when I learned that the Banners Brokers System didn’t require anyone to work and yet still make money for its agent, I had to check it out.

Fast forward to today and here I am writing this Banners Brokers overview.

Banners Brokers sells advertising. Many companies go to banners broker for their advertising needs. Banners broker takes their order (and their money) and then places the advertisers banner ads on other people’s websites (known as publishers).

Banners broker already have agreements with thousands and thousands of websites (publishers) whereby they can place advertisers ads on their sites. In return for using their site, they pay the publisher a cut from the money received from the advertiser.

Banners broker has 3 areas of business.

Anyone who is an advertiser can register with them on their site so they can buy advertising.

Anyone who owns a website which receives a lot of visitors (known as traffic) can register with banners broker as a publisher. This will allow them to receive money from banners broker in exchange for allowing banners broker to place banner ads on their sites.

The third area of business is a unique system called the Ad-Pub Combo. This is what you and I are interested in. This is what all agents are interested in. This is the area of business which will make us money.

By signing up to the Ad-Pub Combo deal, you will become an agent for banners broker.

When you become an agent for banners broker, you get the best of both worlds.

  1. You get to advertise any site you want (could be your own) with banner advertising on other highly trafficked websites.
  2. You get to act as a publisher and collect money from those that require advertising. You can do this without owning a single website.

Imagine that! You can advertise your own business/website (with banners) and yet, at the same time, be earning money as a publisher when other people advertise.

So, as an agent for banners broker, you pay a set amount for advertising. The amount you pay depends on the amount of impressions (visitors or page views) you want for your banner ad.

For example, I could buy a package of 4000 impressions for $40. This will load my banner ad (advertising my personal or business website) 4000 times on someone else’ website. Of course, the more times it loads, the more chance of people seeing your banner and then clicking on it to arrive at your website. Then, hopefully, they will buy whatever it is you are selling on your site.

This kind of service is standard for all advertising providers. But the difference with banners broker is, the unique system they have set up which also allows you to earn once you have purchased an advertising package. While you pay for advertising, you’re earning revenue to offset your costs and then go on to make a profit.

So how and why does banners broker pay you?

When you purchase advertising (impressions to your banner ad) from banners broker, you are doing them a favor by buying from them and putting money in their pocket.

In return for that, they will rent out a few advertising spots to you, which they control on other people’s websites. These people who allow advertising on their websites are known as publishers.

So, banners broker has an agreement with thousands of publishers whereby they control the advertising spaces on those websites. These advertising spaces (on publishers’ websites) are known as panels.

Publishers happily lease out these ad spots to banners broker because they know they will be receiving money from banners broker in return.

When you buy an advertising package from banners broker, they will take a few of those ad spots (panels) and rent them out to you. This means that you now control those panels on those websites.

So what if you have control of these panels. What does this mean?

This means, that you now start to receive money when advertisers put their ads in those spots through banners broker. Banners broker handles it all for you. You don’t have to do a thing.

They take the banner ad from the advertiser and place it on the panel which you have rented from them. Now since you are the one who is renting these ad spots (panels), banners broker will payyou to use them.

It’s a highly unique system and it works out well for both the agent and banners broker.

Banners broker will let you know from the beginning, how long they will rent out the panels to you for.

To be precise, it’s not ‘how long‘ but rather it’s up to a certain point. That point is when you have earned a certain amount of money. That amount is usually double the amount of the advertising package you bought in the first place.

So to put it all together, let’s take a hypothetical scenario.

Let’s say you joined banners broker as an agent. After you registered, you started looking at their advertising packages and you noticed that one of the packages made this offer to you:

  • First Month Admin Fee of $15 included
  • Red Panel ($1225)
  • 121,000 Impressions

This shows that if you purchase a package named “Red”, then this would give you 121,000 impressions to your banner ad and also it would cost you $1225 to buy this package (including the $15 admin fee).

So before you buy this red package, you look at another chart to see how much money you will receive (by renting panels from banners broker) on other people’s websites (publishers).

Here is what you see…

"Banners Brokers"

From this image, you can see that if you purchase the red package for $1225, you will receive $2400 in return. This shows that you are receiving twice the amount of money you paid to advertise with banners broker (excluding the admin fee).

Isn’t that great? You get to advertise your business and take benefit from that and yet at the same time, get to earn money from the banners broker system by being an agent who rents out ad spaces (panels) on publisher websites!

You can only rent out ad spaces (panels) if you buy advertising from Banners Broker. You can’t get in on the action without it. It’s tit for tat. You give banners broker the business and they will reward you for it.

Ok, so once you have bought the package, you can now do two things.

  1. Manage your advertising impressions
  2. Manage your real business, meaning the panels which bring you money.

I’ll cover packages a little later in more detail.

Although you’ll spend most of your time dealing with panels, you need to know about how to go about managing your advertising, so we’ll cover that part first. Then we’ll get to the good stuff.

Next Blog to Come Soon… (still writing it :) )

If you want the best chance at success in your business, you need to learn Attraction Marketing principles. Click here for a free 7 video training series on attraction marketing.

By using attraction marketing, learning a few marketing skills, and leveraging the power of the internet, you can succeed where the other 95% fail.

Imagine not having to buy leads, make cold calls, or even having to try and sell to your friends and family. What if you could easily start attracting people to you who are eager to learn about your business and may buy from you even if they don’t join your business?

Align yourself with someone who can help you create your marketing strategy, keep you focused and improve your quality of life. Every minute you delay is costing you and your family precious time and money.

Attraction Marketing System

Get the online system that will help you close more professionals into your business, generate more leads, earn additional commissions and make more money on autopilot.

Just imagine how amazing it will feel when you have prospects calling you instead of you chasing them.
Click Here ==> Get Your Hands On This System RIGHT NOW!

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Ethan The Marketing Pro

Grace Adele Review ~ A Legit Opportunity?

"Grace Adele Review"

Grace Adele Review ~ Is it a Legit Opportunity?

MLM companies come and go but only those with a genuine business opportunity have been able to withstand the test of time in the industry. One of these few companies is Scentsy Inc., a party plan company that has been enjoying growth this couple of years. Among Scentsy’s new offering is Grace Adele, a brand that caters to the fashion market.

Basically, Grace Adele offers women a complete line of handbags, jewelries and other types of fashion accessories which are brilliantly designed to accentuate a woman’s natural beauty. What makes Grace Adele interesting is the fact that it’s one of a kind or at least, only a few network marketing systems stand on the very same concept.

This Scentsy offshoot was recently launched just a few weeks ago. However, Grace Adele has managed to catch the eyes of many enterprising individuals due to its unique idea. Unlike any other mainstream fashion shop or company, online or offline, Grace Adele enables customers to choose and design exactly what they want.

Grace Adele Products

Customers can choose what color or style they want to incorporate on their bags or shoes. They can also easily find the right fashion accessory to match their personal style or even their budget. The trademarked term “Grace Adele System” makes customization a lot easier. It makes use of a simple yet detailed step by step process that lets customers get what they truly want.

Pick My Bag Color – there are 7 bag colors in total; Red, Zebra, Teal, Black, Leopard, Natural, and Purple.
Choose My Bag – once you have your favorite color picked out, it’s just a matter of choosing 1 of 5 bag styles to anchor your look.
Add My Clutch – along with the gorgeous bag selection, you can also choose a matching (or not?) clutch that can even fit inside the pocket of your larger bag, creating an entire new look, or of course be carried on its own.
Style My Bag – Add a little flair to your bag with clip-ons (like jewelry for your bag!) and other accessories like wallets and wristlets.
Style Me – finish off your look with jewelry and scarves.

Grace Adele ~ Business Opportunity

Another thing that makes Grace Adele an interesting MLM company and a company worth investing to is the fact that the selling and marketing system is founded on a tried and tested formula — the party hosting system. That’s right, despite the uniqueness of the concept, the selling and marketing system leans more to the conservative side of things.

Network marketers of Grace Adele host and set up home parties as a way to introduce the company and its products to others.  In a like manner, these home parties enable Grace Adele network marketers to attract prospects and customers.

Joining Grace Adele is simple and does not require a heavy investment. All it takes is $199 and you can be a Grace Adele network marketer. The initial investment is not that really high considering the promise of high and stable commissions.

Grace Adele: The Verdict

"Grace Adele Review"Overall, Grace Adele seems to be a very promising opportunity. The management and executive team is capable and has a proven track record. A cause of concern however is the availability of Grace Adeleproducts. As of writing, Grace Adeleproducts can only be purchased in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and Guam.

If you ask me why you Grace Adele should be a good sell, then here are five good reasons —the initial investment is inexpensive, it has a unique concept, the marketing and selling process is tested, the brand is new and the management and executive team is tested.

If you want the best chance at success in your business, you need to learn Attraction Marketing principles. Click here for a free 7 video training series on attraction marketing.

By using attraction marketing, learning a few marketing skills, and leveraging the power of the internet, you can succeed where the other 95% fail.

Imagine not having to buy leads, make cold calls, or even having to try and sell to your friends and family. What if you could easily start attracting people to you who are eager to learn about your business and may buy from you even if they don’t join your business?

Align yourself with someone who can help you create your marketing strategy, keep you focused and improve your quality of life. Every minute you delay is costing you and your family precious time and money.

Attraction Marketing System

Get the online system that will help you close more professionals into your business, generate more leads, earn additional commissions and make more money on autopilot.

Just imagine how amazing it will feel when you have prospects calling you instead of you chasing them.
Click Here ==> Get Your Hands On This System RIGHT NOW!

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Ethan The Marketing Pro
PS: Do you have a “Plan B” to improve your quality of life?

=>If not, Click Here

PPS: If You Don’t Have a Step-By-Step Blueprint For Your Marketing Success, Check This Out =>Click Here For Instant Access

Morinda Bioactives Reviews – Morinda Secrets Uncovered

Morinda Bioactives Reviews – Morinda Success Secrets

morinda Bioactives reviews

If you’re researching Morinda Bioactives reviews and you find yourself reading this, you want to know what it takes to succeed in Morinda. Congratulations on doing your homework.

If you are already a rep, and you’ve been struggling, it’s not too late to be successful, but you really NEED to read this complete review. If you are not struggling, the info in this review could help you propel your business to a much higher level.

You need to know up front that I am not an Morinda Bioactives rep, so what I am going to share with you is from an unbiased perspective. Most all Morinda reviews will tell you about Morinda and it’s products. I’ll also give you a look at how you get paid with Morinda and discuss what you may not have been told that is critical to your success.

In addition, I’ll give you access to a marketing strategy that can help give you a significant advantage over the majority your competition.

Morinda Bioactives Reviews – What Is Morinda Bioactives?

Morinda Bioactives, formerly known as Tahitian Noni International, is a multi-level marketing company that was the first to introduce the health benefits of the noni plant to the world outside of Tahiti. Headquartered in Provo, Utah, Morinda Bioactives has a presence in over 70 markets worldwide.

The Do Something Good initiative is Morinda Bioactives’ way of giving back to the islands and people of Tahiti, and consists of four objectives: student scholarships, school textbooks, improving life at orphanages, and worldwide humanitarian aid. 100% of all donations to Do Something Good is used to fund these objectives.

Morinda Bioactives Reviews – The Products And Services

Morinda reviewsMorinda Bioactives’ beverages and supplements are based on the noni plant, known scientifically as Morinda citrifolia. Tahitians and other Polynesians have traditionally used noni for its health benefits. Noni contains an unusually broad range of bioactives including iridoids, lignans, coumarins, polysaccharides, flavonoids, and fatty acids. Bioactives are chemical compounds that produce biological activity within the body.

Following is a list of Morinda’s proprietary products and services:

  •  Tahitian Noni® Juice is packed full of iridoids and other powerful bioactives to strengthen and balance your whole body
  • Thrive Adaptogenics is scientifically proven to strengthen the body’s ability to fight off serious health concerns by drinking two ounces every day.
  • Fit is a fat loss approach that combines natural bioactive-based products with nutrition and exercise programs to help you achieve ideal body composition.
  • Defy Biotopical Age Intervention System includes biotopicals that are formulated to work at the cellular level to address the root causes of aging skin.
  • Shield Biomedicals is a line of home health products that includes Shield Biomedicals Healing Ointment and Shield Biomedicals Healing Spray.

Morinda Bioactives Reviews – How You Get Paid

A complete detailed explanation of the compensation plan is beyond the scope of this Morinda review. What I will do is give you a summary overview.

Morinda Bioactives has a unilevel compensation plan that pays commissions up to eight compressed levels. Distributors earn retail profits, a 20 percent rebate on personal purchases, fast start bonuses, and can qualify for additional bonus pools.

For a detailed explanation of the Morinda Compensation Plan => Click Here

Attraction Marketing System

Morinda Reviews – Easy Money or Way to Go Broke

There are many others who have written Morinda reviews. If you’ve read them, you may have the impression that Morinda is a strong company. They are, but when you get right down to it, Morinda is a network marketing opportunity. They have a competent corporate staff, a product many people use, and excellent service. They have what some consider a fair compensation plan. Starting to sound like “the XYZ network marketing company?”
The truth is… none of this has any impact on a Morinda distributor’s ability to succeed.

Researching other Morinda reviews is a good idea. Get to know as much about the company as you can before making a decision.

If this is a product you are passionate about, and you have decided to join, or if you are already an associate, let me caution you that most Morinda distributors struggle to reach the level of success that they thought was possible. Why? Because they lack two critical skills that all top earners in any network company must have to succeed at the highest level.

The two main factors that cause reps to fail in Morinda are:
1 – A lack of leads, and
2 – No understanding of how to market the business

If you don’t understand the importance of marketing, you will end up with in no leads. And no leads means no income and ultimately, discouragement and failure. Learning how to generate leads, resulting in sales and sponsoring other distributors into your Morinda business is the only way you will generate the income you desire.

Morinda Reviews – Marketing Success Strategy

You may have been told that talking to your friends and family about Morinda is the best way to get started. Although that is certainly true to get started quickly, for most people it is not a long term strategy that will result in significant income.

What will you do when you have gone through your list of family and friends? Most likely you will find yourself frustrated from dealing with rejection, having made little if any money, and will be left wondering why you got into this industry in the first place.

But don’t despair, there is a solution.

If you want the best chance at success in your Morinda business, you need to learn Attraction Marketing principles. Click here for a free 7 video training series on attraction marketing.

By using attraction marketing, learning a few marketing skills, and leveraging the power of the internet, you can succeed where the other 95% fail.

Imagine not having to buy leads, make cold calls, or even having to try and sell to your friends and family. What if you could easily start attracting people to you who are eager to learn about your business and may buy from you even if they don’t join your Morinda business?

Align yourself with someone who can help you create your marketing strategy, keep you focused and improve your quality of life. Every minute you delay is costing you and your family precious time and money.

Attraction Marketing System

Get the online system that will help you close more professionals into your business, generate more leads, earn additional commissions and make more money on autopilot. Just imagine how amazing it will feel when you have prospects calling you instead of you chasing them.
Click Here ==> Get Your Hands On This System RIGHT NOW!

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Ethan The Marketing Pro
Morinda Bioactives
PS: Do you have a “Plan B” to improve your quality of life?

=>If not, Click Here

PPS: If You Don’t Have a Step-By-Step Blueprint For Your Marketing Success, Check This Out =>Click Here For Instant Access

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Morinda reviews| Marketing Success Recipes | Morinda review

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Banners Brokers: Don’t Join Until You Read This Review

Banners Brokers – A 3rd PArty Review

"Banners Brokers"

Banners Broker (founded by Chris Smith and Kul Josun) is an innovative online advertising company with headquarters in Toronto, Canada, that started up in November 2010. The company offers a way for customers to buy banner impressions while getting twice the cost of their purchase price back (agents/Ad-Pub Combo customers). Either you realize it or you don’t, but it’s a fact that online advertisement has become a huge business.

About Banners Brokers

$500 billion is yearly being spent on online advertising by companies all over the world. $500 billion?! Pay-per-click services like Facebook PPC, Youtube PPC, Google AdWords… are creating enormous amounts of revenues for their companies. While none of those companies share that revenue, Banners Broker pays you 200% of your initial advertising costs. Moreover, the company also provides its customers with easy ways to generate a residual income. You don’t need to be a genius to understand how Banners Brokers works; this business model is being called REVENUE SHARING.

The concept is much easier to understand than you would expect… Basically, the company uses its enormous buying power to buy advertising space in form of banner impressions. (by this way they create a global inventory) Banners Brokers customers become publishers of websites who generate revenue (Customer Rewards) based on their advertising. (Ad-Pub Combo)

The only thing that you as a member/customer have to do is uploading your banner(s) (or the Banners Broker banners), targeting your niche and region (country or city) and Banners Broker will place your banners automatically on the internet and generate traffic for your website. You can also advertise different businesses with different banners, all at the same time.

banners broker adpub Banners Broker Review   What You Should Know

The company offers 6 different packages; they all have a different colour. You can start with a low-cost pack of $25, a more expensive starters package or even buy the Ultimate Package that has a value of $3,655. Each package includes a $15 monthly admin fee (or $100 for premium membership). However, joining Banners Broker is completely free. For instance, people who buy the $25 package will receive 1,000 banner impressions (cost: $10). The other $15 is the admin fee.Each package also includes the value and the amount of impressions of all the other lower priced panels. So when you buy the Professional Pack, it includes a yellow, purple, blue and green panel.

tm 650 Banners Broker Review   What You Should Know

Starter Pack: Includes 1,000 Banner Impressions & $15 Admin Fee

After reaching the traffic cap of the yellow panel, Banners Broker gives you two free yellow panels, including twice a 1,000 banner impressions. Simply put: your $10 panel turned into 2 new panels of $10, giving you a payout of $20. 50% is being paid out in cash and you will receive the other 50% in the value of new panels. (so you’ll receive 2 new free yellow panels that you can start up) Eventually you will make $20. ($10 + your initial cost of $10 + 2 new free yellow panels that you can start up again and which will generate $20 of revenue)

tm 650 Banners Broker Review   What You Should KnowBasic Pack: Includes 5,000 Banner Impressions & $15 Admin Fee

After reaching the traffic cap of the yellow and the purple complimentary 2 panels (the yellow panels will reach their traffic cap first), Banners Broker gives you two free yellow panels and two free purple panels and a total payout of $80. You will receive $40 in the form of new panels (that will generate $80 as well while you didn’t pay for them) and $40 paid out in cash. (or you can decide to buy more panels) Eventuallyyou will make $80. ($40 + your initial cost of $40 + 2 new free yellow and 2 purple panels)

tm 650 Banners Broker Review   What You Should Know

Business Pack: Includes 13,000 Banner Impressions & $15 Admin Fee

After reaching the traffic caps, Banners Broker gives you two free yellow panels two free purple panels and two new blue panels, which means a total payout of $260. Same system for the payout: 50% goes into additional panels and the other 50% gets paid out in cash (or more panels if you want to). Eventually you will make $260. ($130 + your initial cost of $130 + 2 new free yellow, 2 purple and 2 blue panels)

tm 650 Banners Broker Review   What You Should Know

Professional PackIncludes 40,000 Banner Impressions & $15 Admin Fee

After reaching the traffic caps, Banners Broker gives you two free yellow panels, two free blue panels and two free green panels. Your total payout will be $800 and the 50-50 rule will be applied again. The green package is very affordable and therefore the most popular one. Eventually you will make $800. ($400 + your initial cost of $400 + 2 new free yellow, purple, 2 blue and 2 green panels)

tm 650 Banners Broker Review   What You Should Know

Enterprise PackIncludes 121,000 Banner Impressions & $15 Admin Fee

After reaching the traffic caps, Banners Broker gives you two free yellow panels, two free blue panels, two free green panels and two free red panels. This generates a revenue of $2,420. 50% will be invested in new panels and 50% paid out to you. Eventually you will make $2,420. ($1,220 + your initial cost of $1,220 + 2 new free yellow, 2 purple, 2 blue, 2 green and 2 red panels)

tm 650 Banners Broker Review   What You Should Know

Ultimate Panel Pack: Includes 365,000 Banner Impressions & $15 Admin Fee

After reaching the traffic caps, Banners Broker gives you two new free yellow panels, two new free blue panels, two new free green panels, two new free red panels and two new free black panels. Those impressions will generate you $7,280 and again 50% of that money is automatically being invested in new panels, 50% is available for payout. Eventually you will make $7,280. ($3,640 + your initial cost of $3,640 + 2 new free yellow, 2 purple, 2 blue, 2 green, 2 red and 2 black panels)

bb packages Banners Broker Review   What You Should Know

banners broker packages revenue Banners Broker Review   What You Should Know

Banners Broker provides you with a global ad inventory which gives you the opportunity to earn publishing revenue while advertising online. Banners Broker found the solution to two problems: first of all, it offers a great way to advertise your own businesses on autopilot and secondly, Banners Broker offers its members a simple way to earn publisher revenue. However, Banners Broker is NOT an investment program, it’s a marketing company. Furthermore, you can always purchase more panels that generate more revenue too, which will make your business grow.

You can get started with Banners Broker for free (you will receive 1,000 free banner impressions after signing up) and there is no requirement for you to stay as a member, nor do you have to recruit people in order to get twice the cost of your purchase price bank on your banner impressions. Moreover, our team also offers strategies that work for everyone.

Watch This Video to learn how to get paid thousands of dollars per month just for advertising your business online with Banners Broker.

Join Today Scruffie Banners Broker Review   What You Should Know

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Ethan The Marketing Pro
Banners Brokers

Grace Adele Review: Don’t Join until you read this

"grace adele"

These days, people tend to become more and more business oriented. They thrive for opportunities that they could possibly pursue from somewhere over the horizon. These opportunities promise to deliver great compensation programs. With that being said, several companies similar to Grace Adele are rising so that they can answer the growing needs of the people. Majority of these kinds of companies are trying to lure these people in joining their company. They are promising them that success will be given to those who will become a member of their company. But are they all real and not just a bunch or scammers. This Grace Adele review will uncover the truth behind its success.

Grace Adele | The Company

One of these companies that offer great success is Grace Adele. The only difference of this company from the others is that they provide opportunity to their members. It has so much potential in terms of becoming successful that it can simply give to their members what they have promised. Grace Adele is one of those party plan companies much like U Design Jewelry. They host parties and events where their products are being marketed to those who are present in the event. This gives you an opportunity to earn money and even persuade others to be your recruits and become your down line members.

How does Grace Adele Works?

"grace adele"

Grace Adele distributors has a very unique way in promoting their product. They offer their customers an opportunity to create their own design of jewelry for themselves. On the other hand, most people find it very tiring to plan an event let alone organize it in order to promote any product that the business can offer. In addition to this, there are only few people who are willing to participate and attend these kinds of sophisticated events that consume their limited time of their busy schedules. That is why a networking marketer is highly needed to reach out wider audience with the use of modern marketing techniques mixed with the traditional ones. Grace Adele has the kind of marketing campaign which will help the newbies in the MLM business in finding their way to the top of success. However, with the ease of access to the company’s membership, the competition is tight and being able to stand out amongst the rest can be quite difficult.

So what needed to succeed in Grace Adele?

This is where the proper knowledge and being skillful in this type of industry comes in. Yes! You need to be equipped first before entering the competitive world of Multi-Level Marketing Industry. True, the Grace Adele is already a good product from a reputable company yet still, it is not enough. You need to harness your marketing skills so that you can beat the people who already established their names in the MLM world. Do not be discouraged in thinking that you are already late to enter this business. It is never too late if you start to act now! Be very prepared both in your marketing skills as well as your knowledge in this industry.  It is your time to become the new giant in MLM with Grace Adele. Click on the banner below to learn how to leverage you Grace Adele business.

"grace adele"

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Ethan The Marketing Pro
Grace Adele

Morinda Bioactives Review – Read This Before You Join


Good health and Tahiti are two items that are often on the minds of people.  Good health is something that everybody wants and Tahiti is a place where people would love to retire!  Morinda Bioactives combines these with its noni fruit products.

"Morinda Bioactives"Ahhhhh, Tahiti!

The noni fruit is such a product which advertises both elements.  The noni fruit, from the Morinda citrifoliatree, grows in the South Pacific and is mainly associated with Tahiti.  It also has a few health benefits.

Noni fruit isn’t as well-know as other tropical fruits such as the passion fruit, mango or papaya but Morinda Bioactives is looking to change that perception.

Noni Fruit

The Morinda tree grows to about 10 feet and bears the noni fruit, which is the size of a potato.  Like many other tropical fruits such as a banana, it’s green when unripe then turns to a yellow or white color when ready to eat.

It has been used for centuries by native Polynesians for a variety of health benefits.  Some say that the Polynesians called it ‘the fruit of God’!

It became popular during World War Two when American soldiers discovered the fruit and its benefits.  The noni fruit made its way to Hawaii and then to the United States via Morinda Bioactives.

Can I Buy Noni Fruit At The Local Grocery Store?

No.  The problem with the noni fruit is that it has an unpleasant odor and taste, even when cooked.  That’s why it never gained the popularity of other tropical fruits such as the papaya or pineapple.

"Morinda Bioactives"Tropical Fruits are Very Healthy

It’s not a fruit that you can buy from a local market and eat on the way home or mix in a salad.

That doesn’t mean it can’t be enjoyed for its health benefits.  After all,  the noni fruit, like most tropical fruits, is becoming more popular because of its nutritional benefits.  In general, tropical fruits are an excellent source of dietary fiber, folate, vitamin A, C and E plus they are loaded with antioxidants, flavonoids and carotenes.

Noni fruit, like its tropical cousins, is high in fiber and contains vitamins A, C, B3, potassium, iron, vitamin A, calcium and other nutrients.

It’s not a miracle cure-all but it’s definitely worth trying out.  Thanks to Morina Bioactives, you can also earn an income selling it.

Morinda Bioactives

Morinda Bioactives is a leader in marketing the noni product.  It processes and sells the fruit, leaf and seed via drinks, supplements and through skin and facial care products.

"Morinda Bioactives"The Noni Fruit

First, a brief history of the company from its web site:

On January 7, 2012, Founders and executives of Tahitian Noni International made a bold announcement: Tahitian Noni International will officially change its name to Morinda Bioactives in April, 2012.

The name Morinda comes from the scientific name for the noni fruit: Morinda Citrifolia. Because of that, Wadsworth said, the new company name uniquely connects past, present and future.

Over the last 16 years, Tahitian Noni International has been more successful marketing and selling natural medicinal plant bioactives than any other company in the world. The new company name will be a symbol of TNI’s commitment to continue growing, innovating and sharing bioactives with the world.

Morinda Bioactives is a multi-level marketing company which specializes in the noni fruit and its benefits.  It is now in over 70 markets around the world and is expanding constantly by selling noni juice and supplements.

Can I Really Sell Morinda Bioactives Products?

Yes, you can sell noni products but it isn’t the easiest job in the world.

Many people haven’t heard of the noni fruit.

The fruit itself isn’t a delicious treat like a mango or passion fruit.  It doesn’t make people thing of swaying palm trees on a South Pacific island.

It has received some bad press because some unscrupulous companies marketed it as a wonder fruit that could cure everything from cancer to diabetes to just about every disease.

Of course, it can’t do all that.  No food can.

But, noni fruit has many benefits, like any tropical fruit.  Do the research about the fruit, both positive and negative, and take a realistic approach to what it can do.

With proper and truthful  marketing, you can earn an income selling noni juice and supplements through Morinda Bioactives.

How The Program Works

Morinda Bioactives is a multi-level marketing company which focuses on the noni plant and its benefits.  Its beverages and supplements are all based on the noni fruit and leaves.  If you do believe in the product, then you will be able to market it effectively.

Remember: people join people, not a business.  If you are honest and sincere about what you are selling, then your clients will be more likely to join.  If you don’t believe in the noni plant but simply see it as a means to make money, then potential customers will see right through it and they won’t be interested.

It’s $35.00 to enroll in Morinda Bioactives as an Independent Product Consultant with an autoship order. Independent Product Consultants receive wholesale pricing on all products."Morinda Bioactives"

Morinda Bioactives has a unilevel compensation plan that pays commissions up to eight compressed levels. Distributors earn retail profits, a 20 percent rebate on personal purchases, fast start bonuses, and can qualify for additional bonus pools.

Of course, try the product yourself.  Customers will believe you more if you can offer a first person account of the product’s benefits!

At first, you’ll have a target income of $200 – $500 a month.   You follow a model that a mentor will show you and then you can build up your client list. You will earn money by selling the product, by earning bonuses and rewards and by helping others start a Morinda Bioactives business.

Click the image on the right to see all about the program.  You’ll see the different programs the company has to offer as well as instructions on how to sign up and be a member.

If you think you can market noni products, then give it a try.

My Final Thoughts – Can You Succeed?

At this point, I can say with 100% certainty that Morinda Bioactives is a very solid, legitimate company with high quality products.  However, just those things alone will not make you successful, or any money.  That is going to depend on YOU and your ability to generate leads and sponsor new distributors into your team.

Without a steady lead flow for your business, you pretty much have no business.  The most effective way to market and generate leads for your business is to use an online marketing system.  The truth is, everyone is online now a days.  And if you don’t learn how to leverage the power of the Internet to build your business, you are going to get left behind.

If you can leverage an effective online marketing system to build your business, I am confident that you will have a successful and highly profitable Morinda Bioactives business in no time.

>> Click Here To Learn More About The Online Marketing & Lead Generation System I Personally Use And Recommend <<

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Ethan The Marketing Pro
Morinda Bioactives Review

Momentis Energy

What’s Momentis Energy?

Momentis Energy ~ A 3rd Party Review

"Momentis Energy and Review"

Based in Dallas, Texas, Momentis Energy was founded in 2010 as the innovative network marketing arm of Just Energy. Just Energy has been in business since 1997, and is a multi-billion dollar company publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Momentis Energy currently does business in all 50 states in the U.S., as well as most provinces in Canada, and has also gone worldwide into the U.K., providing residential energy, commercial energy, natural gas, satellite television, home internet, on the go internet, home phones, mobile phone apps, home security, energy management systems, and home appliances such as water heaters for lease.

Getting Enrolled with Momentis Energy

To join Momentis Energy it will cost $299. This $299 will provide training, marketing materials, and certification to sell all the services Momentis offers. To sign up in Momentis you must already know someone who is willing to ‘sponsor’ you into the business, or find an online marketing site who allows you to sign up with them.

Compensation Plan

In Momentis Energy you make money by signing up customers, and teaching others to do the same thing. There are 5 ways to earn money with Momentis Energy: Immediate Income, Mentor Bonuses, Leadership Bonuses, MyTeam Bonuses, and Residual Income. These varied revenue streams allow newly involved reps to begin turning a profit extremely quickly.

The Business Opportunity: Momentis Energy

When you’ve enrolled in Momentis Energy you become the official owner of your own business. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. If for nothing else, this makes the 300 dollars worth it right here. You can file tax exemptions on some dinners, vacations, gas, and much more. The income potential is infinite, there are no expenses or debts you can get from owning this business that will make you liable, and losing 300 dollars is nothing compared to the thousands upon thousands of dollars, along with hundreds of hours that regular business owners lose when they don’t succeed in their business.

In Momentis, there are no large recurring expenses, revenue brought in is almost pure profit and there is room to grow the business into multiple millions(that’s not speculation, there are already multiple millionaires who have been made in the short time Momentis has been around), while it’s extremely rare to grow a traditional business into being worth millions of dollars in just a couple years.

"Momentis review"We’ve compared Momentis to all kinds of business opportunities around both network marketing and traditional, and have found nothing with this kind of value. Most normal autoship network marketing companies don’t have the compensation plan that leaves room for immediate growth to start turning an immediate profit on startup fees. All of the energy MLMs are more expensive, generally pay less, do business in less areas, and provide lower quality and/or quantity of services. As for traditional businesses, Momentis generally has faster and higher growth potential, lower costs to start, lower costs to continue, training on how to run your business, and a predetermined mentor(your sponsor). Momentis is far and wide the best business to be in, and these are only the simplest reasons why.

However, just because you join Momentis does not guarantee you free money. Your sponsor may mislead you, or just not give you direction at all. You may encounter difficulties which trying to get customers within your circle of friends, or regional area. We here at “Ethan, The Marketing Pro. Inc” have all the information, tools, tips and tricks to bring you success as the individual you are. We can promise you the individual time and attention you will need to make it big in Momentis.

Without a steady lead flow for your business, you pretty much have no business.  The most effective way to market and generate leads for your business is to use an online marketing system.  The truth is, everyone is online now a days.  And if you don’t learn how to leverage the power of the Internet to build your business, you are going to get left behind.

If you can leverage an effective online marketing system to build your business, I am confident that you will have a successful and highly profitable

Without a steady lead flow for your business, you pretty much have no business.  The most effective way to market and generate leads for your business is to use an online marketing system.  The truth is, everyone is online now a days.  And if you don’t learn how to leverage the power of the Internet to build your business, you are going to get left behind.

If you can leverage an effective online marketing system to build your business, I am confident that you will have a successful and highly profitable Momentis Energy business in no time.

>> Click Here To Learn More About The Online Marketing & Lead Generation System I Personally Use And Recommend <<

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Ethan The Marketing Pro
Momentis Energy Review

Morinda Bioactives Review – Don’t Join Until You Read This

Morinda Bioactives ~ A 3rd Party Review

Morinda Bioactives: Is it a scam?

Let’s find out if Morinda Bioactives is right for you. I give you the info. YOU make the decision.

"Morinda Bioactives"I am going to guess that you are reading this Morinda Bioactives review because you are considering getting involved with company but you just want to find out more about them first.  Well, you’re in luck because I wrote this review for you!  My intentions with this article is to give you a closer look at the company, their products, and their business opportunity so you can make an informed decision as to whether or not this company is right for you.

I would also like to point out that I am not associated with Morinda Bioactives in any way so rest assured you are reading an honest, third party review of the company.

Morinda Bioactives – The Company

Getting to know more about the company’s history and leadership is the best place to start when researching any network marketing company, so let’s begin there…  Morinda Bioactives is currently located in Provo, Utah, and the company is currently being led by President & CEO Kelly Asay.

The company has actually been around for over 16 years now, but they used to operate under the name Tahitian Noni International.  Don’t worry, the company was not bought out or anything like that.  At the begining of this year they just changed there name to incorporate the true meaning of the company.

One thing I thought was pretty cool is that they have a Do Something Good program where they give back to the islands and the people of Tahiti.  They do these by donating to help with student scholarships, textbooks, and improving life an orphanages.

Morinda Bioactives – The Products

Morinda offers several beverage and supplement products and they are all created based on the noni plant, which is found just outside of Tahiti.  Tahitians have been known to use noni for it’s health benefits for a very long time.  Let’s take a quick peek at their products:

Tahitian Noni Juice – Helps strengthen and balance your body

Thrive Adaptogenics – Helps you fight off serious health concerns

Fit – This is a fat loss and exercise program that will help you achieve your ideal body composition.

Defy Biotopical Age Intervention – Helps address the root causes of aging skin

Shield Biomedicals – This is a line of home health products

For the past 16+ years they have been known for their high quality, results driven products.  Throughout my review I didn’t find anything negative about any of their products.

Morinda Bioactives – The Business Opportunity

The cost to get started with Morinda is pretty low, at $35 with a monthly autoship.  As a distributor, there are many different ways to generate an income.  The two basic ways are by selling the products themselves at a 20% commission and by recruiting new distributors into the company.

This will allow you to earn immediate income all while building a long term residual income.  You will also have the ability to qualify for different bonuses which are based on your personal sales volume, your teams sales volume, and your overall productivity with the company.

My Final Thoughts – Can You Succeed?

At this point, I can say with 100% certainty that Morinda Bioactives is a very solid, legitimate company with high quality products.  However, just those things alone will not make you successful, or any money.  That is going to depend on YOU and your ability to generate leads and sponsor new distributors into your team.

Without a steady lead flow for your business, you pretty much have no business.  The most effective way to market and generate leads for your business is to use an online marketing system.  The truth is, everyone is online now a days.  And if you don’t learn how to leverage the power of the Internet to build your business, you are going to get left behind.

If you can leverage an effective online marketing system to build your business, I am confident that you will have a successful and highly profitable Morinda Bioactives business in no time.

>> Click Here To Learn More About The Online Marketing & Lead Generation System I Personally Use And Recommend <<

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Ethan The Marketing Pro
Morinda Bioactives Review

Grace Adele Review

Grace Adele 3rd Party Review

Grace Adele just launched on August 1, 2012

Part of the Scentsy family of brands, Grace Adele is the latest addition.

"Grace Adele Review"Grace Adele‘s product line is a complete line of handbags, clutches (I had to look up the word “clutches” because I had no clue what that was :) jewelry, scarves, and other accessories, organized by color and designed to work together.

One unique part of these products is that you can also request certain designs and color schemes from a menus of choices. Not only are the scarves, clutches, etc. colored and designed to look good together, but the bags have pockets that makes it easy and orderly to put your accompanying items in the bag.

I am certainly no expert in women’s fashion but from the pictures of Grace Adele‘s products on the Internet, they look very stylish and I hear the quality is quite good.

Apparently the pricing of Grace Adele‘s bags and other products are all quite reasonable. Bags start at $80 and the other products are not over priced. You can also buy bundles or sets for a good price.

"Grace Adele Review"Like Scentsy, there is a heavy emphasis in face to face marketing, especially hosting parties where you display the products and introduce them to your family and friends.

The cost to become a distributor for Grace Adele is $199, which is not high at all because you receive the business opportunity, marketing material and some product.

Grace Adele claims to have a very good compensation plan. Investigating compensation plans is an involved task that would require an entire article so I will just highlight some of the key features:

You can make up to 30% commission on your personal sales You can also earn Free and Half-Price Price Grace Adele products that you can sell for full price, earning 50%-100% profit on those items. As you begin to build your Scentsy Family team, you can earn bonuses on your own sales and on your team’s sales.

Selling through parties is a great way to find customers for the products and you can make some decent money that way. However , like all network marketing businesses you need business builders on your team if you want to earn a high long term residual income.

Look around you, how many people do you know that you are confident will be strong builders?

To build a large network marketing operation you need at least 3-5 serious builders or more. The best way to find those business builders is via FaceBook. Most people however are completely failing on FaceBook. They are not building any business, in fact, they are going backwards and annoying people.

Why is that?

Most people just do not understand how to market on FaceBook properly.

I know, as I was one of them. I literally wasted over a year and a lot of time and some money marketing on FaceBook completely wrong.

Fast forward to now and I am crushing it on FaceBook! FaceBook is my #1 source of leads and the quality of the leads is incredibly high!

What changed?

I took this course, click HERE now.

Call or email me…

Everyone else does… 845.213.4337


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Ethan The Marketing Pro

This is a Line by line rebuttal of the SEC complaint against ZeekReward.


This is a Line by line rebuttal of the SEC complaint against ZeekReward.

(Courtesy of

I hope there is some politician out there with the nerve to fight the SEC and make a VERY big name for their self. You will definitely have the backing of a very large group of people in the order of millions.

Below is a line by line rebuttal of the SEC complaint. If numbers are skipped the statement is true or was addressed redundantly through the document.

The complaint can be found at:


1. The SEC claims the Bids were unregistered securities. Securities are like stocks and hold a value based on the potential value of a company or entity. The value of securities are directly tied to the success or failure of the entity. They are like legal tender in that they can be used and sold with a face value. In fact Bids are like cookies for the girl scouts. They are a specific product that has no value outside the use as a bid in the penny auction of the specific company. There is no guarantee and in fact bids expired after 30 days if not used. Expired bids in effect created the profit margin for the company just like cookies that were purchased but expired due to age.

Also the SEC claims zeek rewards was a ponzi scheme. A Ponzi scheme is solely dependent on the timing and position of an individual to prosper. In fact most people that joined even in the beginning never made an income at all where some of the later members via their effort created successful incomes. In addition, most affiliates after time purchased bids months later with funds from pocket up to the date the SEC closed the company. This counters the argument that all money came from new affiliates.

2. The SEC claimed that “investors” were solicited over the internet implying that the proper qualifications for investors was not met. In an investment the client expects some type of a return on their funds with an immediate buy back value. In fact the “bids” were a purchase of a product similar to toilet paper with no guarantee and no return. The bids had a specific value for a specific purpose for a specific time and that was to bid in the penny auction.

Additionally, there is nothing illegal about selling products or services over the internet. The SEC labeled a bid a security but what would prevent them from labeling an Amway bar of soap or cell phone time a security? The label was arbitrary and in fact the bid has no relation to a security especially since it expired in 30 days. The bid expired in order to force the use as a sample and as a margin. Who would buy a “security” that they knew would expire in 30 days and have no value.

3. The SEC labeled the VIP as “bids” when in fact the VIP is just a point system for tracking the effort of the individuals in the pool. The only relationship to a bid was to credit the affiliate with EFFORT ONCE and ONLY when a bid was given to a customer. You did not receive VIP when you ran an ad, you did not receive VIP when you purchased a Bid. You only earned a VIP when you GAVE the bid as a SAMPLE to a prospective customer representing your “relative effort” in the pool.

Once again the SEC erroneously labels the Bids as a Security. Additionally they called the “premium subscriptions” a security. I do not believe the SEC investigated what a premium subscription is. In fact it was a wholesale to retail internet website and carried a value in “bids” in the penny auctions. Unfortunately they use the term VIP Bids in the penny auction which is confused with VIP (POINTS) in the tracking program for effort. They are totally unrelated and the “VIP Bids” in the auction provided NO value in the VIP (points) for determining effort. If the SEC charge that a retail website is a “security” then all internet websites now become a security.

4. Once again the allegation calls zeek a ponzi based on an emotional self proclaimed definition without any proof. As stated elsewhere. A ponzi depends highly on timing and positioning and NOT effort. Also the it was the earlier members that purchased more bids than new members. Most did not make a decision to buy bids until months after joining the affiliate program. Also it was possible to start with NOTHING and with as little as $10 a month for the website and $10 in bids, anyone with effort could make an income without further purchases from pocket. The label is improper.

5. The SEC once again calls the affiliates investors when in fact there was never an investment opportunity. An investment like a stock will grow in value without the “investor” doing anything. In fact as demonstrated elsewhere, affiliates could only make money based on their relative effort of advertising to find customers to give bids to.

The charge that 98% of all funds came from NEW clients is absolutely false. In fact the majority of funds came from individuals that had been in the program for quite some time. Most NEW affiliates were very cautious and purchased very few if ANY bids for the first few months. It took an affiliate quite some time to be confident in the program and operation. Most that purchased large sums of bids actually bid in the auctions to prove they could win something before buying more bids.

I personally had affiliates that spent nothing but had a gift of their monthly subscription and a limited number of bids in the range of 10 – 30 bids to bootstrap them to success. These individuals built their accounts to thousands of VIP by finding customers and giving away their profit share bids as samples through effort. These individuals worked for months putting in time from a foreign country only to have the SEC illegally steal their effort. One specific affiliate with nothing out of pocket actually found a “customer only” that purchased over $40,000 in bids creating an instant $4000 cash that she immediately turned into VIP to build into 18,000 VIP that was about to net her $1800 a month from effort that the SEC stole. This girl did everything correctly. Started for free and built her business by “customers only” and lost it all. The SEC destroyed her hope and chance in life from a third world country that zeek was the only salvation for. Why did she not receive $40,000 from the SEC for her direct sale of a “real” product used by a “real” customer that purchased bids for the sole purpose of bidding and winning in the auction?

6. The claims of the $225 million in foreign banks may have been true but they were NOT at risk of immediate dissipation. Due to the nature of the math, if the affiliates started to cash out their accounts the funds would have covered what was owed. Of course none of the individuals filing this claim were smart enough to pass the required math to know the facts. They just make their charges with no logical foundation. The idea that the money only came from the customers / affiliates is not unusual. In fact most EVERY MLM or direct sales markets mostly to customer / affiliates. When they stop buying the product the company fails. That is no different for zeek.

7. How is the SEC going to determine what is owed to whom? Because the redistribution of wealth in the company was to those running ads and finding customers to give bids to and as I have proven elsewhere is directly proportional to what effort / bids you purchased, what method would be fair other than the contracted agreement the affiliates signed when they joined the program?

Remember, we all signed a contract that specifically stated what bids were and how we could create an income. Zeek followed the contract and paid everyone that earned according to the contract.

Are you going to just go through the books and find out how many bids everyone purchased and give their money back? Are you going to give the $40,000 purchased back to the customer that entered the auctions and probably one many times that in product or are you going to give it to the affiliate that sold the product directly? That will be interesting when you have to pay some people that purchased tens of thousands of dollars in bids that fed the system and have never drawn anything. Yet their accounts hold the highest VIP. This is exactly why it is NOT a ponzi because early people have still never been paid.

Do you arbitrarily pay a new person back their $100 and do NOT pay back the person that bought $10,000 months ago?

Are you going to take the contracted funds away from individuals that earned the money according to US contract law by doing what was required of the contract?

How about people that purchased thousands of dollars for others. Do you give the funds back to the person purchasing the funds or the person that received the bids? You might ask why a person would buy bids for their downline? Once again if you knew any math you would know the answer to that.

I have watched the SEC take funds paid to affiliates but not credit them for bids they purchased.

Once again it is not a ponzi based on or position but a compensation system based on contracted effort to increase the position and value of the company internet website via advertising and giving away sample bids to penny auctions.

Remember, every bid given away was earned as contracted or purchased directly by the affiliate.

The SEC illegally intervened in a contracted program that NEVER missed a payment other than though delays by the banking industry and holding companies or the confiscation of funds by the SEC. The SEC should be required to pay a HEAVY fine for this illegal action that caused the failure of income for hundreds of thousands of people that are now out of work.

In fact, the SEC by the very action of taking the funds and distributing back to the people, turns the program into a ponzi by removing the risk from the affiliate. Now they truly were in the deal with a guarantee by the government they would lose nothing or be insured. Is the government going to back and insure ALL programs they feel people potentially lose money in if they do nothing?


8. The SEC has no authority because the bids nor the premium subscriptions are a security. They are a product with NO investment value at the time of contract.

9. Once again the SEC of NC has NO jurisdiction and should be FINED for the illegal disruption of commerce.


13. Penny Auctions are successful all over the world and particularly in Europe. There are thousands of them. People may complain about only one winner or specific companies may not administer them correctly but that is NO grounds for calling them a ponzi.


16. Once again the SEC claims bids are an investment and security which is NOT true. They have NO value or guarantee of value and are only used to determine the highest bidder in an auction.

The SEC is totally misinformed. Now they call the matrix a security. Are they going to shut down every company in the thousands that use a matrix compensation plan because they now deem a matrix to be a security?

Why was zeek prejudicially singled out for these claims?

17. Once again the SEC calls the Retail Profit Pool and Matrix a security. The retail Profit Pool is a Marker or the VIP discussed earlier. It has no security value. In fact if the affiliate does not continuously produce effort by finding customers and giving bids away their share in the retail profit pool goes to zero in 90 days. It is a mathematical model for determining effort and has NO value by itself.

18. The SEC once again erroneously labels the affiliates investors. There was NOTHING to invest in. Every dime in the program was made from the contracted effort of the individuals paid for by the affiliates and or customers that purchased bids. Affiliates purchased bids for samples just like purchasing Amway products to give to customers to get the customer interested in purchasing more product.

19. The defendants are not offering securities so should not be required to file.


20. There was never a promise of daily profit share offered. At least not in the contract I signed. There were mathematical models presented as examples to show how the program worked.

22. I highly disagree and it is provable that little or no effort is required. If that was the case your income would depend on time and placement as in a ponzi and that is absolutely not true. You can also look at the stats and find a large disparity of income from new and old alike and it is all based on effort.

24. Of course the funds are in multiple financial institutions because no company has ever outgrown the banks like zeek requiring multiple financial institutions. The affiliates and company funds are not co-mingled. The funds become the company property on bid purchase and the company maintains the control until paid out to individuals.

26. Automatic customer purchase and bid give away was terminated long ago after the company was notified they should not do so.

27. The average person made about $0.80 a day running an ad in the beginning. Who has the right to determining what the financial value of running and ad should be? Does the SEC dictate what companies pay for services rendered? Running more ads did not specifically increase an individuals profit share but in general increased the probability of a customer buying bids and therefore increasing their profit share.

28. What a bogus charge that the profit share works like a stock. It also works like hours on a time-clock or minutes on a cell phone. It is just a mathematical model on how to determining the daily share just like Amway and every other MLM company that uses BV, PV or other payment of volume.

29. This is an outright lie or a totally uneducated statement. The advertising and giving away bids reburies increasing effort by the affiliate as their VIP increase. The service rendered was the service received and that was a top rating in the internet search engines. Companies pay hundreds of millions of dollars to obtain the internet ratings of zeek due directly to the efforts of the affiliates. Internet ranking is what zeek paid the affiliates to accomplish via their effort.

30. Not completely true. The affiliate ALWAYS received cash. However they could choose to have the computer rebuy bids up to the value of their daily profit share earned.

33. This point is beyond discussion because it is obvious the individual filing the complaint flunked math. If everyone takes their profit share for the day then NO bids are purchased. If NO bids are purchased then NONE are given away. If NONE are given away then there are NONE to be used in the next auction. If NONE are used in the auction there is NO profit share for the day. If there is NO profit share for the day there is NO payment and everything stops. This is only ONE of the neat features of this compensation program. As long as the company does not pay out more than 1.5% average daily, there are retiring points, people forget to do their ad, affiliates do not get their required customers etc the company can NEVER pay out more than it takes in, especially if they only pay 50% of the take. Remember, bids expire in 30 days so put that in your mathematical pipe and smoke it. Even if there were 3 billion VIP that were all created by bids, how many are now expired today. The reason there is so much trash about this program is because no one but myself and a handful of people in the world understand the math. Once again this proves the VIP are NOT a security but only a marker to determine the relative effort of each individual to the pool. The VIP are only a RELATIVE number to represent the portion of the profit pool via effort that each individual claims. The VIP has NOTING to do with the number of bids outstanding other than determining the ratio of bids used that day.

35. Rebutted the same rhetoric elsewhere.


36. Once again I cannot believe the SEC is so naive to call the matrix a pyramid. The government has virtually the same structure with an unlimited width instead of two. The payment on the matrix depends on EFFORT once again. It is NOT possible to make money from the matrix without effort. I could build a million people below someone but unless they meet the qualifications they will not get paid. There are more qualifications to get paid on more of the matrix. If this were not true, why do some of my people with thousands of downline have NO income from the matrix? Did anyone check out the uneducated individual that filed this stuff? Who is the firm behind this? I forgot it was a government lawyer. Are there no REAL lawyers out there to help us tear this apart in a class action suit?

Once again, why was zeek singled out for using a matrix? There are hundreds if not thousands of companies that use the structure. It appears there is an agenda some place and a good lawyer should be able to beat this case on just this aspect.

37. You just made my point above.

38. What an uneducated individual. You just said above correctly that you needed two to qualify now you say again you need to do nothing to get paid on the matrix. Don’t you or your firm at least proof read the previous paragraph? For your information, which you are lacking a lot of Mr. SEC. The matrix has NOTHING do to with bids. You are paid for selling subscriptions for wholesale / retail websites and other benefits such as VIP bids (not VIP).

41. Bull. If that was true how do you account for the thousands of dollars of bids I purchased months after joining. Do you still consider me NEW? When am I NOT new. In fact in my eleventh month I purchased close to $70,000 in new bids from outside funds for myself and downline. Can anyone disbar this guy before he hurts himself. He sure has hurt a lot of us. PS – I was not the only one to buy bids many months into the deal. Virtually everyone does.


45. Once again it is hard to talk to someone that flunked math. The 1.5% is a critical number based on this type of pool. Just like Amway and others that set percentages at 4%, 3% etc per level and come up with a 50% payout. The election of 4% and 3% is completely arbitrary and could just as well have been 2% and 5%. In fact companies arbitrary change comp plans all the time to keep the affiliates excited. It has nothing to do with deceiving them. The fact that Burks changed the percentages caused excitement because no on knew daily what their share was. By changing it the affiliate daily stayed involved. It was motivation not deception. If he used the required 1.5% a day everyone would know the numbers in advance and never look at the system causing a loss of interest and a slower growth.

Again the company can be nothing but profitable with this compensation plan. Get a math expert to explain it to you. See some of the comments above for a clue, like most of the bids expire preventing a meltdown.

Let me make this perfectly clear. The number of bids used in the auction are not what is important to the compensation plan. It has to do with the “relative effort” of each qualified individual based on the funds in the pool. The number of bids used is NOT important but the SHARE of those bids is the import issue based on effort. The bids are strictly a product used by “customers” trying to skillfully out maneuver their opponents in the auction.

46. The number of bids given are known not to be used. People sign up relatives and they never get spent. If not used they are still available for the company to award should they need to. The SEC and everyone misses the main point. The business model is to get more people to the website and join the program just like any business would. Based on internet ranking it is pretty obvious they were successful.

By the way it was noticed by all seasoned affiliates that someone was spamming bids in the last few weeks and now we know it was probably the SEC trying to get statistics. Do you really think I am going to bid against you when you have an unlimited bunch of bids set on auto bid executive? Only a fool would bid against himself way beyond the value of the product. Just because we decided not to participate in your bidding test does not mean we do not bid for real and the auctions do not work. I cannot believe you really know how many bids were spent.

Also see my statement in 45 above. The number of bids used daily are NOT the determining factor. Once again you mix up VIP bids (auction only) and VIP (points) representing relative effort to company growth. The bids did bring in people. Every person I brought into the program was specifically introduced to the auctions and how they worked. Without the product mechanism then nothing worked. As example if I give away 1000 bars of Amway soap and only 10 people use the soap and buy more does not mean I was not successful in getting new customers and growing my program. The number of bars or bids given is not important if the outcome is the increase of business. Is the SEC going to monitor every company and decide that McDonald’s cannot give away to many free cokes?

47. Once again you are absolutely wrong in your numbers. Most new affiliates buy very few bids. Only the seasoned affiliates that have been educated to the whole process purchase the majority of bids long after they have been in the program. What do you consider new? Am I NEW at eleven months by buying $70,000 in bids from outside sources? The SEC is totally uninformed or lying about the actual bid purchases.

Also to say the company cannot pay individuals on the sale of subscriptions to retail websites to other affiliates is crazy. Are you going to close down Godaddy? I get paid on selling websites to affiliates all the time. Are you going to shut down every internet company marketing websites and paying affiliates.

What is wrong with an affiliate being a customer? In zeek we needed to give our bids to customers or we received NO profit share. The purchase of bids did nothing by itself toward earning on your effort. The bids had to be given to customers.

48. This argument is crazy. The members of Costco are the ONLY purchasers in Costco. Many were all given samples, a special permit to enter the store and look around on a limited basis. The majority of the members are the ones buying the products. Just like in zeek if the individuals stop buying bids or in Costco if the members stop buying products the company would collapse immediately. That is true of ANY business. If the individuals buying the product stop buying the product the company will close. Why is zeek treated different on who can buy products compared to any other business? In fact most companies offer an incentive program like member points for buying so all their customers are technically members and the law should apply equally to every company offering discounts or incentives to individuals. When are you going to shut down Groupon that works the same way? I get paid as an affiliate of Groupon to get other affiliates that end up being purchasers of the coupons.

49. This is an uneducated statement based on a lack of mathematical understanding or an outright lie. I have already covered this above. Bids expire and the number of VIP is NOT an issue; it is only a relative number to represent the effort of each individual. The number of VIP have NOTHING to do with the total mathematical pay out. If everyone took their funds out one day, the next day there would be NO or a very limited payout just based on the math. I hate it when people make statements they know nothing about and then try to pass it on as truth. Once again they are NOT investors. The SEC is making a false statement and passing it on as truth.

50. The statement is again uneducated or a lie. Get someone with a math background to explain it to you. The company would NOT become insolvent. The payout would automatically adjust to the high cash draw and the limited bids purchased for new customer activity.

51. Once again this is and uneducated statement or a lie. In either case the person making the claim is incompetent to be writing this charge. The matrix pays on MONTHLY subscriptions from members buying the wholesale / retail websites. As long as the members want the internet stores, the payment will continue and commissions paid with NO new members. Of course if people stop buying the product there will be no further commissions just like people stopping the purchases in any company.

52. What and absolutely incredibly naive statement. The numbers presented show that the company is accurate on their math model. The claim 50% to the distributors and 50% to the company. Considering the payments to employees, property, equipment and services there is a substantial reserve of $225M. I have already shown the math that the company asset is protected because the compensation system will NOT allow a “run on the bank”. Why someone with virtually no math or at least appears they did not learn the math when the were told, is allowed to process this claim is a complete disgrace to the entire law firm.


53. It is hard not to call the writer of the claim an idiot but I will not. Instead I will maintain he is highly uneducated in math or a liar. Anyone with a basic ability to add and subtract can see that $162M taken in and $160M paid out is a profit of $2M. This does not include the fact that July was a five week pay month and the company made a special AUGUST payment in advance due to pay processor delays most likely caused by SEC investigations at the pay processors. This means the company paid out probably twice as much for July than would have been paid in August had the SEC not shut the company down. This means the company profits would have probably been close to $50M plus for the month of August. This is precisely why the SEC should be heavily fined for illegally shutting the company down and causing major loss to revenue for the affiliates and the company.

54 and 55. I would expect the individual owning the company to make money on his business. That is what capitalism is about. Of course the government into redistribution of wealth would never understand that. I am surprised he did not take 25% or about $50M.

56. This statement is absolutely true only because the SEC is rapidly depleting the funds. As I stated before, the mathematics would not allow the system to fail.

58. Once again an uneducated statement or a lie. Please get a math professional to educate you instead of repeating these false claims.


59. The incorporated paragraphs are in error either by lack of education or an outright lie.

60 – 62. False. As proven the bids are NOT a security and therefore are not subject to securities law.


63 – 65. The incorporated paragraphs are in error either by lack of education or an outright lie. As proven the bids are NOT a security and therefore are not subject to securities law and specifically no fraud was intended.


66 – 68. False charges for the same reasons above. No securities were involved and no fraud intended.



We the people request the court absolve any charges against Zeekrewards.


We the people request NO judgements be entered against Zeekrewards, the owners, employees or other agents.


We the people request that all funds be released back to Zeekrewards and other accounts confiscated by the SEC. We request a heavy fine be paid by the SEC to be equally distributed to Zeekrewards and the affiliates for the unjust intervention in capitalism with the intent to redistribute the wealth according to a government plan.

Should the court decide to close Zeekrewards, that the distribution of funds including any fines on the SEC, be paid directly based on VIP in each account which represents each individuals effort in the program.


All defendants, and any employees or agents of Rex Venture, be absolved of any wrongdoing and requirements.

IV. Second Time

This is a prime example of the inattention of the writer of the charge. Thy did not even pay attention to their own writing.

We the people request any charges and fines against Paul Burks be released. The gains received were through legitimate business practices.


We the people request all charges and penalties against Paul Burks be dropped and any frozen assets released. We specifically request the SEC be fined heavily and the fine be paid directly to Paul Burks for their uneducated statements and cause of closure of Zeekrewards along with personal and emotional damages caused.


We the people request the control of or any continued investigation be immediately dropped and the SEC be specifically barred from any further action against Zeekrewards and defendants.


The main prayer for relief is that the court grant we the people to continue our business with zeekrewards as was the operation prior to the unjust intervention by the SEC.

In addition, we the people demand that a heavy fine be levied against the SEC for this unnecessary and unjust intervention that caused a major disruption in the operation. Virtually EVERY member of zeekrewards was receiving what they contracted for and is satisfied with the current compensation model.

We believe that bids are products and in no way are the bids, VIP or subscriptions securities and should be designated as so and do not fall under the SEC for guidance or control.


It has always been the tactic of the SEC to attack companies with these nebulous charges that are not founded in any logical or legal basis. The attempt by the SEC to control commerce by dictating how people should be compensated is not their right or position. Every single company marketing products or services depends on their customers, affiliates or members whatever you call them. Some products have a limited or one time purchase value such as a bed or bids. Because a person may only buy one bed or a certain number of bids does not make it illegal for companies to create marketing programs that attract continuous new clients. Virtually every company depends on current clients for stability and NEW clients for growth. To single out zeekrewards is prejudicial, political and illegal. Just because a company would fail if all the customers stop purchasing does NOT make the company a pyramid.

In the meantime, I lost money…my brother lost money, my friends lost money…just like the other million people.

It sucks!

But I had a Plan B that i was building..I know how important it is to have many income streams….Hearing that Zeek closed got me mad for a few minutes…..but I went on to make money with my other business.

Call or email me…

Everyone else does… 845.213.4337


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Ethan The Marketing Pro

Zeek Rewards Legal Alert: Kenneth Bell Zeek Rewards Receiver Clarifies Major Issues

One important point Bell clarified was that they are closer to two million affiliates. Since the SEC took action against Rex Venture Group and Zeek Rewards, I have made it clear based on information I had been told the numbers in the SEC Complaint were low. I mention last week that the affiliate numbers would be closer to 1.8 million, and that the liquid assets and income would be closer to double what is in the SEC Complaint.

Bell also made it clear that it would be a “long time” before any refunds are issued. Part of this is based on the amount of information he and his team must uncover. But there are also two pending lawsuits and a third on the way.

Bells, move not to issue refunds too soon is in the best interest of the affiliates who are owed money. Bell said “We want to have substantially all of the funds before we start to issue checks,” By making sure all funds are collected, the affiliates should get back a larger refund. Hopefully 100% if one of the lawsuits truly shows Zeek Rewards was build on a Ponzi model.

Bell also said “This is one of the largest Ponzi schemes to ever go into receivership…” Now since there has not been a trial on the issue, I must assume Mr. Bell is stating Zeek Rewards was a ponzi based off of the SEC Complaint. However, if this case never sees a day in court, I hope he will one day write a book explaining all the details.

One of the biggest questions I have received in emails has been on clawback laws, and if the Receiver would be going after affiliates who have already paid taxes on the incomes they earned legally last year. Bell stated “We are trying to collect as big a pool as possible for these investors,” Bell said. “Until we know how much we are able to collect, we just don’t know how much of a pool we have.”

I am not sure how that will affect all those affiliates who paid taxes. And I am not sure if any individual affiliates might seek some form of legal action to keep the Receiver from Clawing-Back any of the money they have already paid taxes on. Without a doubt this situations is getting more convoluted by the day.

Great summery of the call can be found at Forbes

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Ethan The Marketing Pro

Zeek Rewards Legal Alert: Letter from the Rex Venture Group LLC Receiver Kenneth Bell

Zeek Rewards Legal Alert: Letter from the Rex Venture Group LLC Receiver Kenneth Bell

On August 17, 2012, United States District Judge Graham Mullen issued an order naming

me as the receiver of ZeekRewards’ recovered assets. According to the Securities and
Exchange Commission, approximately one million people have been victimized by this
scheme, although our early investigation shows that the number of victims could be
double that. The SEC also estimates that the scheme involved $600 million. By sheer
number of victims, this is one of the largest, if not the largest, Ponzi scheme to go into
receivership in U.S. history.

I have received thousands of emails and voice messages from victims of the scheme.
Some of those have shared heartbreaking stories. Rest assured I have heard your concerns
and my team and I are committed to recouping and dispersing as much money as possible
to the victims. To be sure, this will be an immense undertaking that will require careful
consideration and time.

As receiver, my first task has been to locate and lock down known assets. This means
seizing both electronic and physical assets from ZeekRewards, as well as making sure
those who had access to those funds no longer do. We are also tracking payments
transferred across financial institutions both in the U.S. and abroad. The larger the pool of
resources we can collect now, the more funds each victim will receive later.

I know many of you have two simple questions. When will I be refunded the money I
invested and how much will I receive? While we are in the early stages of tracking and
locking down assets, it is difficult to predict with certainty the timeframe in which
monies will be returned to the victims. However, we are committed to communicating
with the victims so they are informed throughout the investigation.

As you may have read in the news, I recently gave a press conference updating the media
about the beginning steps we have taken over the past week as receiver. We will continue
to provide updates on the investigation to the media and to the victims directly via over the coming weeks and months.

This website also serves as a forum for victims to voice their questions and concerns to
my team and me. Due to the sheer volume of messages I have received from victims, I
am unable to respond to individual questions so I encourage those affected to email
questions as well as relevant account information to
There, every message received will be read and cataloged. An official claim form will
also soon be made available on this site and each filed claim will be considered at the
time the assets are allocated back to the victims.

We understand that many victims have suffered significant financial losses and we are
dedicated to working over the coming months to recover as much of the funds as
possible. We appreciate your patience throughout the process and will keep you apprised
of future developments.

Thank you,
Ken Bell

Troy Dooly Website Source

I lost money…my dad lost money, my friends lost money…just like the other million people.

It sucks!

But I had a Plan B that i was building..I know how important it is to have many income streams….Hearing that Zeek closed got me mad for a few minutes…..but I went on to make money with my other business.

Call or email me…

Everyone else does… 845.213.4337


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Ethan The Marketing Pro


I love this video! Action Plan…!

I love this video!

We can do this!!

Plug into this system, This Training..and take action..

Let me know how I can help.

Ethan 845.213.4337



Perpetual Cash With The Empower Network

Perpetual CashPerpetual Cash With Empower Network

The Empower Network created by both David Wood and David Sharpe has quickly become the #1 way to generate perpetual cash online.  Since its inception back in the fall of 2011, Empower Network has been shattering sales records, and empower average people to fulfill their dreams.  With their top notch marketing & training products, and unmatched support, Empower Network will eventually become of the biggest online affiliate companies in the history of the internet.   So you may be asking yourself, “How to I make perpetual cash with Empower Network?”  The answer can be found in the 3 things I’ve listed below.

3 Steps to Generating Perpetual Cash

  1. Blog Daily – This is essential, and is heavily preached within Empower Network.  If you considering joining their affiliate system, then you must be committed to utilizing their viral blogging system on a daily basis. Don’t know how to blog?  No worries, because they provide step by step tutorials that will transform you into a blogging superstar.
  2. Market Daily – When you become a member with Empower Network, you will learn from some of the best names in the business.  They will teach you the a, b, c’s of internet marketing, and you will learn the skills necessary to generate daily leads, which in turn will produce daily sales.  Keep in mind that this newfound skill set will be able to be utilized in all your offline and online opportunities.
  3. Creating Relevant Content – This step is crucial to people seeing your content.  It’s not enough just to market and blog, but you need to know how to create interesting content.  Think about all those videos that go viral on youtube.  Imagine if you could just have 1 video that went viral and accumulated just 1 million hits.  That’s 1 million chances of people clicking on your opportunity link.  This too is part of the training you will receive when you join Empower Network.  They will teach you how to get your content syndicated and out on the internet in a hurry.

The Empower Network Perpetual Cash System

Marketing online can be a very fickle process.  Knowing how to get your content on the first page of google, and widely syndicated can be very cumbersome.  Also, knowing how to develop an efficient sales funnel that drives people to invest in your product(s) are the skills that most newbies don’t know.  Lacking these essential skill sets are why so many people online fail to generate real perpetual cash. If you desire learning how to market online, teaching others how to market online, and earning 100% commissions while doing so, then Empower Network Affiliate Program could be the right fit for you.


Perpetual Cash


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Ethan The Marketing Pro

4 Facts About Empower Network To Know Before Signing Up

4 Facts About Empower Network To Know Before Signing Up


The Empower Network is one of the organizations that can help people stay at home and earn money at the same time. Does this already make you want to sign up? It would be better if you could read the facts below first.

It Is Founded by Men
The Empower Network as founded by two men, Dave and Dave. Before it was founded, they used to be homeless. They then discovered a commission loophole and used it to make blogging as their primary source of income.

They Have Recorded the Process
The two, while in a private retreat in Costa Rica, shot videos that show what they have discovered. It also shows the things they do to put up the network. At present, the videos are sold along with training and tips as an 11-hour DVD series. It serves as an upgrade to the networking blogging system. Thus, you need to have the blogging system worth $25 before you can buy the DVD series.

There’s a Blogging System
Many individuals and organizations would tell you that you can make money by blogging but only a few actually help you put up a blog. The Empower Network is one of them.
The network offers a blogging system to their members. It is not required and a member can use his free membership to browse for free tips and training videos. However, the blogging system for $25 a month is a great deal. With the system, one can have a fully functioning and hosted WordPress blog. It is ready for marketing as it comes with videos tackling the network’s products. It can be customized anytime.

Audio Training Is Available
A member who already has his blog can also sign up for a thrice-a-week audio training. It costs $100 but the members can learn a lot from it. Additionally, it can be resold by the member to get back his $100.

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Ethan The Marketing Pro

Zeek Rewards Affiliates Are thrown under the BUS..

I love this video!!

The bottom line is we all drank the juice and were believers on this business.  I could not believe that i got paid..I got excited!  I love this business.

Why do i build a home business?

  • Lifestyle
  • Cash Flow
  • I like to wear shorts everyday
  • Everyday is Friday
  • Meeting all kinds of people
  • Helping people learn new skills
  • Help people make an extra $1000 every pay any bill..
  • More tax deductions..

Every business needs a marketing system…Right?

Any questions? Call or email me…

Everyone else does… 845.213.4337


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Ethan The Marketing Pro

Breaking MLM Penny Auction News: Zeek Rewards aka Rex Venture Inc Opening In Europe

”This is to Inform you all that since we have to stop the Business for few Legal Issues in NC, We have paid the Fines and Penalties and We are shutting down Business for a few days and shifting our Main Office to Europe, since the Law is different there so we can resume our business from there, just keep Patience We’ll come back in the Business, Meanwhile we are launching another company (to keep your Passive Income) under Rex Venture Inc. You’ll be updated About it later Keep sharing the Blog we need your Help keep your Down lines Calm.”

There are several issues in play here that all former Zeek Rewards affiliates must be aware. of the following…

1. If by some chance this new company is in any way being launched by former executives or founding or top income earners of Rex Venture Group, LLC aka Zeek Rewards formerly owned by Paul Burks, then this will be seen as a maneuver to circumvent US Laws, and that will land someone in federal prison.

2. To be run a legal business or illegal ponzi in the USA, and pay people, then the company must have a US based corporate entity. If you are found receiving foreign funds from companies not authorized to transact business in the USA, then you as the affiliate are treading on dangerous grounds which can and mostly will (especially if you are a former Zeek Rewards Affiliate) catch the eyes of the IRS, Homeland Security, Treasury (Secret Service) and yes the SEC.

Yes this may just be a rumor, but that last thing I want to see is any Zeek Reward Affiliates getting hurt again!

Source Troy Dooly

How to build a SIX Figure business…This is the marketing system that i use to get paid everyday…

 Call or email me…

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Ethan The Marketing Pro

Life After ZeekRewards…


What a ride…

I had a great weekend and now it is time to get back to work and build my other income streams.  I am ready.  I had a Solo campaign launch over the weekend.

Around 55 came in and had 2 sign ups…SO FAR ….This is one of my main businesses.

  • Traffic
  • Leads
  • Cash flow

My goal is to build $8000 of residual monthly income over the next 90 days.  This is not total income…only residual income… That is 6 figures yearly…It will take a ton of work…but it will be worth it.

zeek profitsZeek will have a huge impact on most people…people quit there jobs…invested their life savings and were hoping for daily pay out for posting a single ad….

Building a true business online will require you to learn new skills…that is the truth and for most people it is scary…..It will take some work…building a true business…is not like making money with Zeek rewards.

So , where do you start???

Well. like going to school…you start with the basics.

  • What is traffic
  • How do you get it
  • What do you do first

One Of The Best Ways To Dive Traffic…Generate Leads… And Get Paid$$$

Have You Logged In Yet???

Here is what i will promise you….

You will make many mistakes..I do everyday

You will get frustrated and want to quit…but do not!

When you get your first lead and when someone buys and you get paid… see that it is real and you can do it……1000s of people are doing this all over the world…everyday.

I do it everyday…and if i can do it…you can do it.

Call me with questions….I am a real person…just like you…

Call or email me…

Everyone else does… 845.213.4337


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Ethan The Marketing Pro

ZeekReward SEC Home Case Documents Frequently Asked Questions Contact Us

On August 17, 2012, the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) filed a Complaint in United States District Court, Western District of North Carolina, Charlotte Division, against Rex Venture Group, LLC (“Rex Venture”) d/b/a (“ZeekRewards”), and Paul R. Burks. The SEC alleges that Rex Venture and and Burks fraudulently offered and sold securities in an unregistered offering as part of a combined Ponzi and pyramid scheme.

"Zeek Reward Scam"On August 17, 2012, Judge Graham C. Mullen issued an Order appointing Kenneth D. Bell of McGuireWoods LLP as temporary receiver (“Receiver”) for Rex Venture Group, LLC d/b/a The August 17th order directs the Receiver to, among other things, take control and possession of and to operate the Receivership Estate, and to perform all acts necessary to conserve, hold, manage and preserve the value of the Receivership Estate.

At this time there is no claims process and no distribution. The Receiver is currently gathering ZeekRewards investment history and harmed investor information from the Defendants in an effort to facilitate the claims process and subsequent distribution to harmed investors.

This website will be the Receiver’s primary means of communicating with customers and the public. Please check back periodically for additional information.

Click here to see a press release from the Receiver.

Any questions? Call or email me…

Everyone else does… 845.213.4337


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Ethan The Marketing Pro

Zeek Rewards Court Documents

zeek rewards

Here it is in black and white…..

All the charges, and why it would not sustain itself…..

This stinks and in looking back…there were many red flags, but we all were blinded by the MONEY….

I feel sorry for anyone who lost money… I really am.

Ethan ~ 845.213.4337

FREE WEBINAR: How to Get $1,000 Instantly Deposited Daily

FREE WEBINAR: How to Get $1,000 Instantly Deposited Daily

Guys… Get on this call.

It’s Free… Can’t offer it for cheaper than that.

Webinar details:

  • Webinar: “How To Get $1,000 Instantly Deposited Daily…”
  • Presenter: David Wood and David Sharpe
  • Scheduled date: 13th of August
  • Scheduled time: Chose from a few options available

Call me… everyone else does… 845.213.4337

I can help you get real results with my proven system…

The Direct Selling Business Boom

The Direct Selling Business Boom

Intellectual distribution becomes a financial opportunity when you benefit from the financial impact  of educating the customer and sharing your personal experience and credibility.

Paul Zane Pilzer has stied economics for over 3 decades and the best system he has ever seen is the direct selling business.  Also called one0to0ne marketing, network marketing, referral marketing, or relationship marketing, this home-based business model takes intellectual distribution to it’s pinnacle … creating wealth by helping others.

Direct selling impresses me because it allows people to be in control.  They choose the hours they work, where they work…how to increase their income …or not..

With direct selling…the headaches of traditional business are gone…

Direct selling has low start up costs, has no employees or insurance costs.

buy empower network

The direct selling business model also utilizes technologies, such as the internet, which help make it easier than ever to own a home business.

Millionaires know the secret and power of residual income.  Creating income every life changing….The number 1 question I get asked is HOW?  What do I do first?

Marketing is a skill that will pay you for a lifetime…. I mean every month…

Are You Ready To Learn It?

Here’s exactly how to get your message in front of more people in more ways, so you can (instantly)…

– Build More Trust
– Have More Customers
– Create Repeat Sales

And you can do it by communicating to them in the way that they WANT to be sold to.

The secrets of universal communication is in this video:

Watch It NOW     –  Great video

Get In…Make a difference in your life

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Email Marketing Guidelines

Email marketing is…

… a form of direct marketing using electronic mail to communicate commercial messages such as ads, donations, and business requests to a group of people. Make your emails readable. Your creative multimedia content will not be readable to some people who open your email on their text-only mobile devices. The content must be sensible whether the images are displayed or not. Do not insert images that are meant to be downloaded from the Internet. Majority of email client applications will instantly block them. Additionally, avoid nest scripts in your message.

Your marketing emails should have a recognizable preview. The truth is not everyone will open your email, much less read them. Most people will only look at the email sender, the subject line and preview the message then decide if it is interesting or not. To improve the success rate of your emails, your sender name should be visible, reliable, and identifiable. Do not use robot-looking email addresses in sending your marketing emails. Do not bother personalizing the subject line for each receiver either. Based on email marketing statistics, customizing the subject line does not have significant results.

The subject line summarizes the email content, not sell it. Keep the subject line brief, about 50 characters or less. Do not use capital letters, flashy promotional messages, and exclamation marks in the subject line. Avoid subject lines that contain words that are popular on spam emails like “free” or “money.” Keep your email delivery rate high. Not many people will look at messages that are automatically stored in Junk/Spam folders. Emailing frequency, from field, file attachments, subject line, and email marketing content can trigger anti-spam filters. Check your mail server settings before sending a mass of marketing emails. Majority of email server providers avert spam by preventing users from sending large quantities of emails within a short period.

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David Wood Live Stream – Empower Network Stories

David Wood Live Stream – Empower Network Stories


Join Here…it is only $25/month…not even gas…

If you are new to my blog…Welcome

I have been involved with Blogging for 4 years now and have built my business all from blogging.  Blogging on topics that people are looking for solutions is how i sell many products.

how to blog

Empower Network has changed the internet marketing world forever…

From blogging to off line marketing teaching people how to market properly and drive traffic.  Because…all you want to do is make money…right?

All you dream about is making enough money to pay your car off or pay rour mortgage payment or pay your rent, school bill, get food on the table, go on vacation, pay the medical bills….

The list goes on and on….BUT You “Why” is what will make it happen.

It has 4 products..

  1. blog
  2. Inner Circle
  3. Costa Rica
  4. 15K Formula

This business is all about Blogging, Driving Traffic and making sales.

I love it!  Building a residual income is crazy and pays a ton of money.

What ever the business, you need to market it…So How Do You Do This?

You need to learn how and follow a proven system…because when you know how to can drive traffic to any website or link and get paid.

Dave got his start from Blogging…he tells his story on the video…I watched the whole 4 hour video in 1 hour…I skipped through it fast…I suggest you do the same.  If you learn a few things or get inspired …..Great.  Because if he can do it…why not me?  That is what I said to myself.

Join Here…it is only $25/month…not even gas…

Call me… everyone else does… 845.213.4337


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"Momentis Energy and Review"

Momentis Energy and Review

Momentis Energy – Energy MLM Taking Off

Momentis Energy Scam or Rocket about to take off?

With all the Energy MLM’s popping up and seemingly been in business since the light bulb was invented, it is understandable that when approached to “Just Do Momentis” you are checking it out. Good for you. Momentis ReviewWhat follows is an unbiased, 3rd party Momentis Energy of the product and business opportunity. If you will allow me, I will also interject some interesting findings of my other research into the company and the MLM/Network Marketing Industry as well.

Momentis Energy – A little Background

Momentis Energy is the marketing arm of Just Energy (located in Dallas, Texas and Toronto, Canada). Just Energy is a North American independent energy supplier with 1.4 million electric and natural gas customers. As a Momentis Energy distributor you can currently offer service in Ontario and Alberta Canada. In the United States, California, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, New York, Massachusetts, Georgia and Texas are currently opened.

As far as the future as a Momentis distributor, in Canada British Columbia, Quebec, and Manitoba are stated to be opened. In the US, Nevada, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia are on the drawing board.

Momentis Review – Income Streams

"Momentis Energy and Review"Momentis Energy has several possible income streams.

The first Momentum Immediate Bonus:

This starts a distributor off. Once a distributor has completed an online Certification, they can qualify to earn Momentum Bonuses of $100 by personally enrolling two (2) pending or active customers (2 customer points) in the first 30 days (thus becoming a Qualified Marketing Representative, QMR). This continues for the first 120 days by getting 10 customer points in 60 days, 15 in 90 days and 20 in 120 days.

The Second, the Mentor Bonus:

Every time a distributor sponsors a new QMR, they earn Immediate Mentor Bonuses. This is initially a $100 bonus that increases to $150, $250, $300, and $325 as a distributor raises through the various Leadership Levels. The bonuses are paid weekly.

The third, MyTeam Bonus:

When you promote to Regional Director (that’s where the Mentor bonus is $300 a week) or above, a distributor is eligible for MyTeam Bonuses. The first three (3) Representatives a distributor signs up are designated as the first generation MyTeam. As a distributor on your first, second, and third generations you can receive a MyTeam Bonus each of those generation’s MyTeam’s MyLeadership Bonuses!

The fouth, MyLeadership Bonus:

MyLeadership Bonuses are designed to reward distributors for helping people get started. When a distributor promotes to the Senior Director level or above, they are paid MyLeadership Bonuses for any Qualified Marketing Representative (QMR) that joins the distributor’s organization that is NOT personally sponsored by you.

These MyLeadership Bonuses go down through infinite levels when you meet the promotion requirements and reach the appropriate leadership positions. Momentis has four leadership positions, and each time a distributor promotes to one of these positions, they will earn more and more bonus income. At each leadership position, a distributor can begin to build a new leadership organization, which can then qualify the distributor for new MyLeadership Bonuses.

The fifth, Monthly Recurring Income:

The residual income aspect of Momentis occurs from a distributors Monthly Recurring Income (MRI) efforts. Personal customers who maintain their Just Energy accounts are count toward a distributor’s MRI. So do the customers enrolled by Qualified Marketing Representatives (QMR) in the distributor’s leadership organization, no matter how wide or deep.

MRI is paid in the month following the distributor organization’s customer payments. For example, when customers pay their bills in June, the distributor will receive MRI in July. To receive this income, the distributor must meet both the one-time Leadership promotion qualifications as well as monthly customer point count qualifications.

Momentis Review and You

Momentis and Just Energy are not a scam, far from it. Just Energy is part of a fund that trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange. The Momentis MLM compensation plan is based on a basic building block of each QMR bringing in a manageable number of customers and helping other entrepreneurs build their businesses.
As far as how Momentis is doing in the public arena,, a MLM/Network Marketing Industry related website has Momentis’s position in their index ranked at 135 out of 680 home businesses that they actively track in their database.

Momentis has a great compensation plan in that it pays you “now” by growing your organization and it also allows you to develop a residual income via a strong customer base.

But as you may have noticed, the big bucks come from the “growing the organization” income streams, and if you are anything like me, that is what has you so excited…and at the same time worried.

The key you know is having a steady stream of ambitious people (like yourself) approach you to see what you are doing. And the key to doing that is learning Attraction Marketing.

If you are throwing up your hands and asking “Now what…?” click on the links below to learn how you can develop your Attraction Marketing skills and get those leads chasing you.

So if you have found this Momentis Review in your Due diligence search, good for you. You are acting like a real business owner. The next thing you need to do, besides getting with the person who shared the plan with you and signing up, is to ask yourself this question:

If you really want to be profitable in Momentis, you’ll need to fully grasp Attraction Marketing and On-line lead generation. Have a look at the online attraction marketing system I use to get 15-29 FREE leads on a daily basis PLUS earn money from individuals who don’t enroll in my primary business.


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Ethan The Marketing Pro

I hope you enjoyed this Momentis Energy Review.

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"Zeek Rewards Scam"

ZeekReward 101 (English Video Presentation)

ZeekReward 101 (English Presentation)

ZeekReward, Video explaining the basics

"Zeek Rewards Scam"Just got this new ZeekReward Video that explains it all and in full details.

Click the below link to view this short 9mns ZeekReward Video and SHARE it with everyone you know….

ZeekReward VIDEO

Any questions? Call or email me…

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Ethan The Marketing Pro

How To Grow Your Business NOW, and For The Long-Term…

How To Grow Your Business NOW, and For The Long-Term…

In this post I’ll be covering an extremely important topic. One that almost doomed my business to fail as I was getting my start in the industry.

This pertains to setting goals and concentrating your efforts on “high yield” activities to grow your business Now and for the long-term.

High Yield? Yeah, activities that yield the highest return on the time it takes to complete the task at hand.

When I was first getting started in marketing online I found that I wasted a lot of time. And when I say a lot, I mean A TON of time!

Checking emails, staying on the phone for hours on end, and doing research (without applying it) leads to low productivity and minimal results for your business.
You’ll have time for everything above, but it is important to set High Yield goals for the day, and… Do Them First.

A few Examples Of High Yield Activities For Network Marketers Would Be:

  • Writing an article for the product or company you are promoting
  • Create a video tutorial and post it to your blog
  • Create content for a page or post on your site
  • Writing sales copy
  • Writing an autoresponder sequence
  • Create a blog post
  • Write an email broadcast

Then, distribute the content to your list, facebook, twitter or other networks.

Many of the tasks above will bring you immediate results, such as clicks to your offer, establishing a relationship with your readers, gaining new subscribers etc, where others will play a part in getting you one step closer to your desired outcome… making more money.

You’ll notice that all the tasks above don’t come with time schedules or certain deadlines for completion. It is up to you to choose 1 High Yield Task for the day, and complete that first. Then, take a break, set the timer for 15 minutes and check your facebook or email (whatever floats your boat). When that 15 minutes passes… STOP! Then, move on to another high yield activity.

All too often we spend the majority of our time on low yield activities that are sometimes productive short term, but yield minimal results for the long term.
“Oh, I’ll just call back these few people THEN work on content for my site”.  What I’ve all too often found is that those few calls leads to several dozen, and then… why not check your email why you’re at it? Before you know it, the day has past and nothing has been accomplished.

A few Examples Of Low Yield Activities For Network Marketers Would Be:

  • Engaging in “chatter” on facebook, twitter and other social networks
  • Spending waaay too much time on “designing” the perfect site (i.e. graphics etc)
  • Checking email consistently
  • Checking stats on your programs or products
  • Installing scripts or plugins
  • Buying course after course without applying any of the teachings
  • Doing way to much research without taking action

These low yield tasks can be deceiving at times as well. Oh, they’re sneaky! They can sure make you feel like you’re accomplishing something important while you’re getting back to all those emails, or while your researching a new marketing technique. But in the end… you still haven’t REALLY done anything to BUILD and GROW your business. You haven’t taken action on anything that will lead to: you earning a long-term income, new subscribers, or  solidify yourself in the market place.

So, What Can You Do To Accomplish More High Yield Activities?

This is a whole lot easier than it sounds : )

Simply pick out 1 or 2 High Yield Activities and DO THEM FIRST.

I like to write out a few things that I want to accomplish for the next day just as I finish up work for the evening.  I’ve found that this also, subconsciously,  let’s me marinate on how the task will be completed and in doing so, the task gets accomplished much quicker.

Today, my list included:

  1. Optimize a set of pages on a niche site for the engines
  2. Write this blog post : )

Now that I’ve completed these tasks, I can do a few Low Yield activities to complete the day.

Once you get good at accomplishing those all-important 1 or 2 High Yield activities, you can stack another High Yield activity on to your list. You’ll find that with practice, completing 1 or 2 important tasks will lead to more productivity in your business and it will come easier as you move along. What took you an hour to complete 1 task before, may only take 15 minutes to complete as you get better.

Just be sure not to overdo yourself. Take short breaks when you need them, or in-between tasks. And never create huge “To-Do Lists” for the day… especially if they are unrealistic.

To start … Make a list of 1.

Accomplish that, and move on from there.

You’ll find that getting more important work done, leads to more important work. You see, important work recharges us and gives us a feeling of great self-accomplishment. And that’s rewarding!

Leave me your thoughts in the comments, and let’s fill the world with POWER.

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Ethan The Marketing Pro

Will You Be “Just Another Statistic”

Will You Be “Just Another Statistic” …

Over the past couple years I have been traveling and attending some pretty inspiring events… to say the least.

It’s always absolutely amazing to see all the incredible success stories displayed on the big screens, and feel the energy in the room from the events attendees. Soon after the events come to a close, I realize that I was in a room of true Entrepreneurs who just flat out “Get It”.

You know, there’s this crazy little saying that 95% of people in this industry will fail. In actuality, this could not be further from the truth.

You see, it’s silly to compare someone who is looking at Network Marketing as a hobby, and with the mindset of, “I’ll give it a try and see what happens”. These are often people who jump into a program without skill, knowledge and experience and (sorry to be blunt here, but) will more than likely quit on themselves at the first sign of discomfort.

Now in contrast, let’s take a look at a professional. These people “Develop” and Maintain unwavering beliefs that They CAN and WILL succeed if they simply don’t quit. They devote themselves to personal and professional growth and development. They soak up knowledge, and training like a sponge and implement it into their business without question. They do this because they KNOW what the outcome will be when they simply educate themselves, and apply what they learn.

network marketing statisticIf we were to look at this statistic and apply it only to those who “Stuck With It”, The True Network Marketing Success Rate would then be closer to 95%, as opposed to 5%.

“The Only Way To Fail Is To Quit”

Most successful network marketers who reach the top of their pay plan (in a good network marketing company) will average with time, around $100,000 monthly… no joke.

So I have to ask, what other career opportunity do you know of that will reward their reps (the ones who are committed to working hard, and staying the course) with an unlimited income potential? Literally … No cap, whatsoever.

It is not uncommon to earn a six-figure income in less than 2 to 3 years and a multiple six-figure income in 5 to 10.

Heck, I’m proof of the above statement and work with other industry leaders who have gone on to earn tens of millions before they’ve reached their 30′s.

This path to Network Marketing Success will require you to stay head strong and focused on your goals by maintaining the belief that you will get there with effort, and consistency.

With that being said, I wanted to pass long this inspiring video that a teammate recently shared with me. I feel that it displays the struggles that some will go thru on their path to victory, yet with effort, eventually reach their goal.

What are your thoughts on the success rate of the industry? Can you relate to the video above? Leave your comment below and share your story.

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Ethan The Marketing Pro
"Zeek Reward Scam"

ZeekReward Series Part 8: Conclusion

After reading thru this past few weeks ZeekReward review series and educating yourself on ZeekReward you may be ready to get started. If so, sign up here. But, maybe you still have some questions. If that is the case, feel free to shoot me an e-mail or give me a call. I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have about Zeek Rewards or me as your business partner… without trying to sell you into anything : )

Recently, I have been dedicating all my time and efforts into growing my ZeekReward Business and helping my team mates do the same. And although I have been in the marketing arena for some time now, I learn something new and fascinating every day that I will surely use for the rest of my life in any aspect of operating my own business, online or offline. I TRULY love it! I can tell you without a doubt that It’s more fun than a 9: to 5: J.O.B. (Just Over Broke ), and it definitely pays better.

So, do you want to start learning how to make a six figure income online? Would you like to have your own money-making website? Are you willing to take consistent action toward changing your life and creating a better financial future for yourself?

If you answered an unwavering “YES” to all of the questions above, then I look forward to partnering up with you in Zeek Rewards.

Call me… everyone else does… 845.213.4337


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Ethan The Marketing Pro
ZeekReward Pro

Momentis Review: Can I make money with Momentis?


An Honest Momentis Review: Can I make money with Momentis?

Momentis Review: The Company:

In this Momentis Review, we will see that the company was founded in 2010 as the innovative network marketing arm of Just Energy and is Based in Dallas, Texas. Just Energy was launched in 1997, and is already a multi-billion dollar company publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: JE; TSX: JE). Momentis currently operates in all 50 states in the U.S., as well as most provinces in Canada, and has also gone internationally into the U.K., providing residential energy, commercial energy, natural gas, satellite television, home internet, on the go internet, home phones, mobile phone apps, home security, energy management systems, and home appliances such as water heaters for lease.

Momentis Review ~ How to Enroll?

"momentis scam review"To cost to enroll with Momentis, is $299. This $299 package will provide you with training, marketing materials, and certification to sell all the services Momentis offers. To sign up in Momentis you must already know someone who is willing to ‘sponsor’ you into the business, or find an online marketing site who allows you to sign up with them.

Click hereto see a link to my personal Momentis website which will allow you to take advantage of it.

Momentis Review: Compensation Plan

In Momentis you can make money by enrolling customers, and teaching others to do the same thing. There are 5 ways to earn money with Momentis: Immediate Income, Mentor Bonuses, Leadership Bonuses, MyTeam Bonuses, and Residual Income. These different revenue streams allow newly involved reps to begin turning a profit really quickly.

The Business Opportunity

Once you’ve enrolled in Momentis you are the official and proud owner of your own business. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. If for nothing else, this makes the 300 dollars worth it right here. You can file tax exemptions on some dinners, vacations, gas, and much more. The income potential is infinite, there are no expenses or debts you can get from owning this business that will make you liable, and losing 300 dollars is nothing compared to the thousands upon thousands of dollars, along with hundreds of hours that regular business owners lose when they don’t succeed in their business.

"Momentis Energy"In Momentis, there are no large recurring expenses, revenue brought in is almost pure profit and there is room to grow the business into multiple millions(that’s not speculation, there are already multiple millionaires who have been made in the short time Momentis has been around), while it’s extremely rare to grow a traditional business into being worth millions of dollars in just a couple years.


We’ve compared Momentis to all kinds of business opportunities around both network marketing and traditional, and have found nothing with this kind of value. Most normal autoship network marketing companies don’t have the compensation plan that leaves room for immediate growth to start turning an immediate profit on startup fees. All of the energy MLMs are more expensive, generally pay less, do business in less areas, and provide lower quality and/or quantity of services. As for traditional businesses, Momentis generally has faster and higher growth potential, lower costs to start, lower costs to continue, training on how to run your business, and a predetermined mentor(your sponsor). Momentis is far and wide the best business to be in, and these are only the simplest reasons why.

"Momentis review"However, just because you join Momentis does not guarantee you free money. Your sponsor may mislead you, or just not give you direction at all. You may encounter difficulties which trying to get customers within your circle of friends, or regional area. We here at Rippin Revenue have all the information, tools, tips and tricks to bring you success as the individual you are. We can promise you the individual time and attention you will need to make it big in Momentis. Just put your information in on the right, and we will be in contact with you very shortly.

If you want to succeed with Momentis, then you will need the proper tool to succeed. You can use a proven system to help you get leadership skills and expert ranking. It’s as simple as following a step by step blueprint, laid out by marketing professionals in the online marketing field.  A blueprint proven to help you build your Zeek Rewards business.  (PS: You are now, reading my blog because I have followed myself these steps spelled out in the this Marketing System).

Once you have a system as in the one below in place, all you will have left to do, is call back those already interested leads who called you and close them into your Zeek Rewards business. (easy task, since you’re only calling them back…theyreached out to you..)

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"empower network momentis zeek reward"

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Let’s make this Momentis Review a first step to your financial freedom, together.

Ethan The Marketing Pro

Can I make money with No Investment Network Marketing?

Can I make money with NO Investment Network Marketing?

No Investment network marketing, is it for Real?

Can No investment network marketing actually work? Absolutely! But, has the MLM world at large caught the passion for no investment network marketing? A stubborn concept that “pay to play” is the only way. No investment network marketing seems to  be different.

Most of people think that if there’s no “skin in the game,” then people won’t be part of it. An additional assumption is that if an upfront fee is not paid, then the business model of the parent company can’t be financially sustainable. Something that No investment network marketing is proving to be

Some Truths about No Investment Network Marketing

These are wrongs beliefs not based in reality. Here’s what I know personally. My main MLM involvement is with a no investment network marketing business. Earlier this year, my team had 2,000 reps. Today, six weeks later, my team is almost at 3,700. This exponential growth is very hard to accomplish with “pay to play.”

There is absolutely nothing that limits growth with a no investment network marketing business because there are no entry fees. You can’t burn out contacts (friends, relatives and associates). You don’t have to depend on only those who are willing to risk or can take a chance of losing money (to play). And you don’t have to start being part of the ranks of the shunned. (As many of the people who join a fee-based opportunity never even get back their initial investment. As a result, they will forever hate you for getting them on it or being the cause of their financial loss.)

With a No Investment network marketing business, and a serious product with a real value proposition like saving on energy services that they pay for anyway, the business essentially sells itself. The growth is not only explosive but viral. There is no hard selling needed. Plus, the affiliates that come aboard can start right away to turn a profit. There are no limits to bringing on serious affiliate who can help you build your business.

No-Investment-Network-MarketingMy phone rings all day from fellow network marketers who see the potential but want to find out more about it first. To be honest, most of them are people who can’t afford to pay a fee! They are choosing to join my no investment opportunity because they can clearly see how the no investment opportunity offers a better, lasting, financial opportunity. They have done their due diligence as you’re doing now. They have researched for the cracks but haven’t found any.

Many have been “burned” before with recruitments to earn opportunities. Some chose to abandon their “competitive” opportunities, because they understand that the no investment option offers a much stronger and powerful business opportunity for their future.

The company I work with that offers a no investment network marketing model grossed in it’s second year of existence over $125 million dollars.  This company is already profitable. They are from what I have researched, one of the only network marketing company ever to be profiled by Forbes Magazine. The no investment network marketing model is an ethical and sound way to conduct a totally viable MLM business. So get on board.

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"Ethan The Marketing Pro"

Ethan The Marketing Pro

Waiora Scam Logo

Waiora Scam or Real Opportunity?

Are Waiora Scam claims true?

Waiora Scam: The facts…

This Waiora Scam Review will help shed light on the alleged Waiora scam that you will find, doing research on lineThis is a 3rd party unbiased review as I’m not part of the company myself.

Waiora Scam or not?

Those claims are simply not true and are probably being spread by individuals who haven’t had experienced it themselves.

Based out of Boca Raton, FL, this legitimate wellness company started in 2004 and has garnered a huge following since then already, due to the impeccable credentials of the products that they market. The Waiora Scam is a myth. Waiora’s products are gaining more and more in popularity because its extensive clinical research that backs it up.

What’s Waiora All About?

Waiora Scam LogoWairoa has exclusive wellness and anti-aging products with multiple patents and amazing results that have gained a lot of attention from industry leaders and experts.

It’s unique network marketing business model combined with truly new and innovative wellness products, makes this relatively new company stand out as a true industry leader.

While the Wellness Industry is huge, Waiora products seem to be in a category of their own with superior products and a superior home business opportunity.

Here a few of the many Waiora products that are one-of-a-kind:

1. NCD-Natural Cellular Defense
2. EDN-Essential Daily Nutrition
3. Agarigold

After reviewing the industry I found 2 other companies that have a similar line of products to that of Waiora Natural Cellular Defense (NCD). But one significant key point between these companies and Waiora’s NCD makes all the difference. Waiora’s Natural Cellular Defense is based on 14 clinical studies and 3rd-party testing.

Waiora Scam ProductAll the other companies I found, had no clinical research studies at all to back anything of their claims. In other words, Waiora delivers top quality products backed by science and research. And the others? Well, they don’t! Who’s products would you rather use?

Another key selling point of Waiora is its original home business opportunity to refer others to try the multiltude of products Waiora has to offer. And in compensation, you get paid “up front” commissions, as well residual income. Helathy and wealthy…What else would you like? 

Waiora is a really unique socially conscious company with two main purposes. First, to be the company of reference when it comes to anti-aging products. Not the largest but the best. Second, to offer a business opportunity through the direct selling model.

Many companies claim to have the best product and the best compensation plan in the industry. So why Waiora ~ How does Waiora compare to other companies in the marketplace?

#1. Waiora is the only company that provides more than 150 life-essential nutrients in a “one shot a day” product – providing 100 percent of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of the vitamins and minerals that are critical to health.

#2. Waiora is the only company in the world that has an activated, liquid zeolite(NCD) product that detoxifies the body – eliminating the toxins and chemicals that we are exposed to every day and have been exposed to for our entire lives.

#3, Also the only company that has a patented Agaricus Blazei hybrid mushroom (Agarigold) – a revolutionary immune enhancer that is so potent it’s being studied by the National Institutes of Health.
Waiora is not about one-size-fits-all products and opportunity, but truly cutting edge products and business opportunity that will increase the quality of life worldwide.

So How Can I Make Money With Waiora?

Waiora Scam

Waiora Home Business Opportunity Explained…

Waiora’s business opportunity centers around the lucrative direct selling business model.

So how do I make money with Waiora you ask?

Simple… There are two ways to make money with Waiora.

#1. You can get others to buy the various life-changing products that Waiora offers.

#2 . You get others to start their own home businesses with Waiora and earn up to $500 per sale with monthly residual income.

Waiora’s compensation plan is unique in that you can earn both up front commissions as well as back end residual monthly income. This compensation plan alone sets Waiora apart in class of it’s own, from all other MLM companies.

How do I get people to join?

And here is the crucial thing, without a system, most of people fail to bring in people and make a serious income out of their opprotunity . You still need to learn how to get people to visit your site in order for them to see your offer, which in turn will generate sales.

How do you do this, you ask?

empower-network-skillsFirst of all, you need to develop specific skills to become successful in this industry. No “opportunity” can magically give you these skills. They can provide you with resources, support, and a very compelling opportunity to market…but not the skills.

These skills can be developed by educating yourself and learning through trial and error. But a much quicker way to pick up the skills that lead to success (in any industry) is to learn from an experienced mentor and team of leaders that already have those skills, tools, bonuses and the training in place for you to develop the EXACT blueprint to success… so you can start enjoying the EXACT same results!

To find out how my system works…

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You now know that waiora scam claims are not true.

Ethan The Marketing Pro

"Syntel Global"

Syntek Global Review

Don’t join before reading this…

Syntek Global Review.

What is Syntek Global ?

Syntek Global is a Network Marketing Company that sells a state of the art Fuel Additive called Xtreme Fuel Treatment which increases the fuel mileage of your vehicle by up to 30%. Treatment which gives our vehicles improved fuel mileage and longer life by utilizing demulsifiers, detergents, rust & corrosion inhibitors, lubricating agents, and polymerization. It results in engines that run longer, work more efficiently, and lower maintenance costs.

With Gas prices skyrocketing to phenomenal heights and the world economy in turmoil Syntek Global offers a product which provides a solution for millions across the world.

Syntek Global: The Opportunity.

They have structured the business in such a way that anyone can join as a partner or independent distributor and earn commissions by selling their fuel treatment and referring others to join.

You can start Syntek Global Xtreme Fuel Treatement with a small investment and no overhead costs such as staff expenses, rent, utilities etc.

There are two ways you can earn from Syntek Global:

Earn from retail sales of Syntek Global products and get 25% commissions as well as personal volume points which add to your team commissions.

Earn a commission each time you enroll a new Independent Distributor, you will earn unlimited income when you reach the rank of Blue Diamond.

The Top distributor at SyntekGlobal even received a brand new Mercedes Benz as an Incentive for the hard work and dedication to building his team with SyntekGlobal.

SyntekGlobal has an unmatched payment system where you have the ability to earn from your downline to infinity, there is no cut off point. You earn from the pro team and power team of your downline to inifinity.

You are also paid $50 commission for every new sign up of a 500PV and $25 for a 250PV, as a Fast Start Bonus. There are alos 8 other ways for you to get paid which include down line payments to infinity and 1% cut of the company’s total commissionable earnings as you reach higher qualified levels

There are two levels of membership Infinity Starter Kit (250PV)  and  MVP Business Builder Kit (500PV) the costs of each are listed below. The level you choose to join will determine what your commission rate will be and how fast you climb ranks and make millions.

Infinity Starter Kit (250PV)– $317.90 For entry level persons

MVP Business Builder Kit (500PV)– $638.80 For the very active distributor who is interested in making Syntek Global a real residual income.

To hit the ground running with the Momentum of a train and build wealth rapidly you must start with the 500PV kit ($638.90).

Syntek Global Xtreme Fuel Treatment – The Product

If you always wanted to know how to get better gas mileage in your car then your search is over.
Xtreme Fuel Treatment or XFT, the flagship product of Syntek Global, it is a powerfully concentrated fuel additive that has been proven to increase gas mileage by 15%-30% and help you save money on gas.This product also clenses your engine and improves the overall performance of your car.

XFT is not only used in cars and buses, it can also used in commercial applications such as bunker fuel for Cruise Ships, Container Ships, Railway Trains, Large Generators, Dumper Trucks, Tractors etc

It is designed to accomplish 4 functions.

  • 1) Increase life of engine
  • 2) Increases fuel economy
  • 3) Increase horsepower and performance
  • 4) Reduces Emissions

In Summary:

Syntek Global is a 15 years old solid company with a proven product. With the right Network Marketing tools and work, yes work and commitment to your business, you can be very successful at it. I have been using an excellent platform which has helped me personally understand the keys to on line marketing.

To find out how my system works…

  Log In FREE for more info.

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Ethan The Marketing Pro.

"Pampered Chef Review"

Pampered Chef Review – Warren Buffet latest acquisition

Pampered Chef Review

Is there real potential or is it another scam?

Our Pampered Chef Review will help you decide for yourself.

If you are looking to increase or supplement your income with a home based business opportunity, Pampered Chef is an easy way to make a living and you have come to the right place to find out more about it.

This Pampered Chef Review is going to discuss the background of this company and advise you if this is a real opportunity or a scam. I will also share with you my success formula on what support system you need to succeed in the Network Marketing Industry.

The company is headquartered in Addison, Illinois and operated in USA, UK, Germany, Canada and Mexico, with a worldwide direct sales force
over 60,000.

Pampered Chef is a global Direct Selling company that offers a line of kitchen tools, food products, and cookbooks targeting at preparing food in the home.

Pampered Chef was founded in 1980 by Doris Christopher, who saw the need for professional-quality kitchen tools in the regular household.  The company has helped families around the world prepare fast and delicious meals, while having fun preparing them. Thanks to its success and growth potential, the business was acquired by Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway Corporation in 2002.

Pampered Chef Review – Products

The product range is wide and comprehensive to prepare food for every occasion and even for an exquisite culinary experience with free recipes. Some of their most popular products include the Stoneware, Specialty Cutting Tools and Cookware.

Party Plan Marketing Strategy

Part of doing a thorough Pampered Chef Review, requires us to analyze their Marketing Strategy.

Pampered Chef primarily uses the Party plan as their marketing strategy, which was introduced famously by Tupperware. In their strategy, you as a member will host a home party, and invite your friends, relatives or neighbors. The events will include display and product demonstrations to the guests, and before the end of the gathering, you or the Pampered Chef consultant will take orders for the products. The primary lead generation will come from the home party and your network or referrals.

Becoming a Consultant

If you are looking to become a consultant for Pampered Chef, first you need to know that there will be competition within Pampered Chef as it has over 60,000 Independent consultants worldwide. You will not be the only consultants in your district.

Secondly to make money from commission, be prepared to host at least 3 cooking shows a week to earn some significant income, of course it will be based on the product sales of each particular show. There will be a monthly quota to meet in order to earn a reasonable commission on your personal sales. To succeed in Pampered Chef, it will take a great deal of commitment and significant marketing or selling skills. You will also want to look at to build your own team of consultants to enjoy a higher commission, thus good leadership skills would be a plus. For this you would be recruiting consultants where you will teach them the skills for selling the Pampered Chef products. The pay structure is somewhat similar to that of many MLM companies and it does reward you well for putting in the work.

Real Opportunity?

So if you are asking whether Pampered Chef is a real business opportunity, then the answer is “YES!” They are one of the more successful, effective and popular direct selling companies within the Network Marketing pay structure. If the business is operated correctly, it can truly lead to financial fulfillment.

Issues to Consider

One issue is that Pampered Chef does not effectively train their Leaders on the best strategies to recruit people into the business. They leave a lot of the groundwork to “Leaders” who often get lost and confused on how to grow the business.

So when you want to grow any Network Marketing company, the most important thing is to market yourself as well as the business. This will differentiate you with your fellow consultants and position you as a valuable distributor. If your upline only coaches you with traditional marketing methods such as speaking to friends and family or buying leads, you had better start to think twice if you are on the right team. This will almost always lead to disaster as only about 3% of network marketers succeed with these methods.

Commitment Required

You should instead, make a commitment to learn about the business and get the best MLM marketing training to be a valuable marketer. Adopting cutting-edge marketing tools like Internet Marketing will open your business to the world and explode the sales volume that your business needs to thrive. Do this and you should begin to enjoy this industry tremendously.

It is my hope, that this Pampered Chef Review was informative and helpful to you.

And if you really want to succeed in this business and learn to apply the power of the Internet to explode your business and your income just like I did, then grab the Internet Marketing BluePrint and get access to a 7 Figure Road Map.

P. S. You will be able to sponsor endless prospects into your business when you develop your own MLM Attraction Marketing System.

To find out how my system works…

 Log In FREE for more info.

"empower network momentis zeek reward"

Then Call me 845.213.4337

Ethan The Marketing Pro.

Youngevity Review – Time to Join Or Is It a Scam?

An Honest Youngevity Review:  Is Youngevity Scam?

What does Youngevity the company, offer?

In this Youngevity Review we will see that the company sells an extensive line of nutritional supplements personal and health care productsAt last count, they had over 500 products, including the latest lines from Bellamora and R-Garden. Their most popular products is Youngevity Tangy Tangerine. Their weight management line, Slender FX, is also very popular, as is their healthy chocolate.

Youngevity Review, The Business Opportunity:

Now, let’s go over the opportunity with our Youngevity Review. This is important because when some people hear that Youngevity is an MLM company, they jump on the internet and search for terms like Youngevity Scam and Youngevity Review to see if the company is legitimate. So, here are some details about their compensation plan in a video presentation and below in a few words.

Youngevity’s operates on a unilevel pay plan which they call the Stairway to Success. There are nine different ways for you to get paid and all the details are spelled out on the website. It’s a bit complicated to describe, so rather than detail all the different levels here, I will spell out the two main ways that can earn you income, Immediate income and residual income.

The immediate income comes from sponsoring new distributors at one of two major levels, plus by acquiring customers. The residual income comes from purchases of products across both distributors and customers.

This combination of upfront immediate income and backend residual income is a good thing about the Youngevity opportunity. Some of the names they give their different achievement levels sound pretty “funky” such as “Fiji Double Diamond” and “Tahiti Double Diamond.” They also have some great performance-based incentives built into their compensation plan.

Youngevity Review, Final Analysis:  Is Youngevity Scam or Credible Opportunity?

To summarize this Youngevity Review, there doesn’t seem to be any truth to the idea that Youngevity is a scam. Youngevity is a very strong and reputable company. They have been in existence for almost 15 years, they have experienced medical people and management people on their corporate team, a wide diversity of products and a fair compensation plan for distributors.

However, all of the above has very little to do with whether you will be successful or not as a Youngevity representative. While it’s obviously beneficial to you to have a stable company supporting your business, what really determines whether you will succeed or not, is your ability to sponsor people into your business, your ability to sell products and your ability to build and duplicate a downline of distributors.

How to Become a Successful Youngevity Rep?

In direct sales companies statistics, it has been shown that 9 out of 10 people fail in their network marketing / direct sales business.  Most people spend more money than they actually earn and eventually run out of personal relations and people in their inner circles to talk to about their business.

If you really want to be a success in Youngevity, you must understand how to market your business both off-line and more importantly, online. There is a lot to learn in the “marketing” piece of network marketing. Fortunately, there are a few marketing and advertising platforms online which can help you get quickly up to speed.

The best systems in the industry are those that are 100% generic and which leverage your efforts in an automated fashionIn other words, they focus on the industry as a whole and don’t have a hidden agenda of trying to promote someone else’s network marketing company.  Instead, they let you promote your company. The best systems also let you keep all of the leads that you generate. When you connect to an excellent generic attraction marketing and advertising system, you will discover you will steadily become the single individual out of 9 who will become wildly successful in Youngevity.

There is only one such marketing program I can recommend right now if you are serious about building your Youngevity business and that is Empower Network.  It’s a 100% generic attraction marketing system, with a large library of insider training from top industry earners. You’ll learn to generate traffic to your site, promote your business, and generate leads on demand – regardless of your skill level. You can even use it to generate money immediately to offset your expenses. Check it out and see how you can start generating Youngevity leads and put your business on the fast track.

To find out how my system works…

 Log In FREE for more info.

"empower network momentis zeek reward"

Then Call me 845.213.4337

Ethan The Marketing Pro.


To Recent Members of Alert2Pay

Happy New Year!


Dave has a new site Advertise-For-Money that is in pre pre-launch, this is the main site of his new network so he will have about 5 more sites that will accompany his main site, those will come a little later.


The site is not ready just yet, but I am letting in a few privileged members in first! This includes you!


You may invite your teams in now to build commissions before we launch.


So far there is 28 members on the site, somehow they found it and joined, LOL. If you want in early and invite your team you may do so. I am still editing the site and adding super tight security. As you can see I have SSL installed and DDoS protection. I just have to finish installing Norton security and update some pages and then we will go into prelaunch.


Here is the link:


Pay plan is just like AMM except instead of getting paid every 9 days you get paid every 7 days: View AMM pay plan on details page.


NOTE: This is not my site, I’m just showing you an example of my pay plan.


Let me know if you have questions.



Ethan, The Marketing Pro. Owner

Tel: 845.213.4337 | Email:


Advertise-For-Money Is Under Construction: You Can Refer Your Downline But Please Let Them Know We Are Under Construction!

We Will Not Go Into Prelaunch Until The Site Is Complete!



  Referral Commission Structure on Member Fee  
Level 1 25%


  Referral Commission Structure on Purchase Plan Spot  
  Phase 1  
Plan Spot ID Referral Commission
1 $1
2 $1
3 $1
4 $1
5 $1
6 $1
7 $0.5
8 $0.5
9 $0.5
10 $0.5
11 $0.5
12 $0.5
  Phase 2  
Plan Spot ID Referral Commission
1 $2
2 $2
3 $2
4 $2
5 $2
6 $2
7 $1
8 $1
9 $1
10 $1
11 $1
12 $1
  Phase 3  
Plan Spot ID Referral Commission
1 $3
2 $3
3 $3
4 $3
5 $3
6 $3
7 $2
8 $2
9 $2
10 $2
11 $2
12 $2
  Phase 4  
Plan Spot ID Referral Commission
1 $5
2 $5
3 $5
4 $5
5 $5
6 $5
7 $4
8 $4
9 $4
10 $4
11 $4
12 $4
  Phase 5  
Plan Spot ID Referral Commission
1 $6
2 $6
3 $6
4 $6
5 $6
6 $6
7 $5
8 $5
9 $5
10 $5
11 $5
12 $5






Give1Get4: Just got my first $925 this morning… Yay! It works…

Hi Guys,


Just got my first $925 this morning… I’m expecting another 3 times that amount in the next coming days… Nice…


All you need to do is the $925 Once… and get 2 people, Once…


and then repeat as many times as you would like to Get 4 times what you Gave Once…


Give it a try…


Any questions.. Call or email me.


